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Messages - Ken S


I would recommend that you email support ( about this. Be sure to include the photo you took.

Tormek T-1 and T-2 / Well done T2 video
Yesterday at 05:39:45 PM
This video is by Darryl Hughes of Affinity Cuiinary, the former US importer. I met Darryl years ago and remember him as a likable guy. Judging from this video, he has also become quite knowledgeable, also. The video is focused on professional chefs, the target market for the T2. It is obviously a marketing video, but well done. here is a link:

Tormek T-1 and T-2 / Re: revisiting a firestorm
May 29, 2024, 06:04:59 PM

I respect the case you have presented. At this point, I would like to suspend this conversation, leaving you with the last word. I want to do careful testing with my T2 and photograph the bevels. (With my family obligations this may not be speedy.) When I complete this testing, I will post the photos, regardless of which position they support. Is that agreeable with you?

Just out of curiosity, do you have any hands on experience with the T2?

Tormek T-1 and T-2 / Re: revisiting a firestorm
May 29, 2024, 04:45:08 AM

I don't have an issue with much of your reply. As I have never personally sharpened food processor or round blades, I have no direct experience. While I was visiting Tormek, I met and talked with Johan, the T2 Manager. He struck me as both knowledgeable and a straight shooter.

I do take issue with your comment about the T2 being for customers who "don't care about bevel looks". Before composing this, I sharpened several kitchen knives with my T2. The bevels looked fine to me.

I understand why you may feel the way you do. The technique for the T2 differs significantly from our old standby technique for the T8s, etc. We were all taught to lift the knife rather than pivot. That works fine with a T8, but not with the T2. Different does not necessarily mean better or worse.

The T2 and T1 are targeted for niche markets. Neither is a general purpose machine. In my humble opinion, each of them suits their targeted niches very well.

Tormek T-1 and T-2 / revisiting a firestorm
May 28, 2024, 03:16:30 PM
I inadvertantly caused a firestorm when I posted my idea that I thought a knife only side job sharpener might be better served with a T2 instead of a T4 or T8 as his main machine. Without any evil intentions, I apparently dishonored a sacred cow.

I respect the critical replies. They are based on good, solid Tormek experience. However; I don't always agree with them. A primary criticism was that the T2 can only sharpen kitchen knives. (To be fair, as a specialty machine, it is specifically designed for chefs to maintain their knives.) As an old hand with sharpening chisels and plane irons going back to oilstones, fine tooth mill files, and sandpaper on glass, I am quite sure I could sharpen chisels and plane irons with my T2. I freely admit that the T2 is no match for a T4 or T8 with these tools. How often do chefs sharpen woodworking tools?

Most youtube videos show a knife being thoroughly abused before being sharpened. Although the T2 survives this cruel and unusual punishment, how often do we see a good chef actually abuse his knives, the tools of his trade, like this? Yes, the T2 is really designed for knives to be regularly maintained. Why would a top professional want it otherwise?

"Only knives"? Not so. The two Tormek videos demonstrate sharpening other tools which are part of every kitchen such as food processor blades and rotary blades. Especially with food processor blades, I don't know of any other jig controlled method of sharpening these.

The more recent video (Johan and Hugo) includes some things not in the first video. The wheels used originally used were DWF, as opposed to the more recent DF with side diamonds. I reduced a bolster with my DWF, although the newer DF does this more conveniently using the side of the wheel. The newer video also shows some user modifications to expand the range of the jig.

I believe through field use the T2 is evolving into an even more useful machine. I leave it to the reader to decide if he wants to include it in his sharpening kit.

Knife Sharpening / ceramic knives with the S G
May 28, 2024, 04:55:10 AM
This surprised me. Thoughts?


Good point, TGB.

I remember "concave" or "hollow ground" edges from the early 1970s. They were quite the rage with woodworkers. Once the initial edge was ground, final sharpening and several resharpenings required only sharpening the apex and the very back of the bevel. This was quite a saving in sharpening time and labor.This predated the Tormek.

My 1972 vintage six inch Craftsman dry grinder is typical of grinders of that era. The hollow grind is easy to see and easier to see as the wheel wore down.
The larger ten inch (250mm) diameter Tormek wheels technically also produced a hollow grind, although the larger diameter made the very small hollow almost invisible. Also, the cool running water grind of the Tormek made the entire process possible under power.

In my opinion, and some will think differently, the concern about concave or hollow grinding is a leftover from the past.

Knife Sharpening / Re: Simple Platform Jig
May 27, 2024, 04:03:59 PM
Ever since the first days of the forum exploration of the small platform jigs, I have never felt that we fully explored the possibilities of this versatile jig. I have also felt that Tormek never showed much interest in smaller platforms. I find this especially sad since they hold the patent to the Torlock and the present design would give them a leg up with the CAD/CAM work.

3D printing presents multiple opportunities, especially if done in "the home shop". From my own limited 3D printing knowledge with my grandson's printer:

I can see that a simple washer/spacer project would be easy to design and print. Make the initial one like the spacer on the shaft between the machine and the grinding wheel. 1/8" (3mm) is thick enough and won't require lengthy printing times. The main function of this is to determine the exact diameter fit of the bore, approximately 12mm). Once this is determined, this number can be appliedto any number of designs.

Then design the bottom part of the jig. This should include a hole to be tapped 6M thread, the standard Tormek size.

Once the bottom is designed, the upper portion (s) can be designed for the intended purposes. This could be either a simple flat platform or custom platforms designed for particular tools (metal lathe tools come to mind).

Possible variations are only limited byour imagination.

I agree with CB and TGB, especially about the need for practice. I would include "disciplined" with practice and careful study of the online classes. I have watched all of them more than once, and learn more each time I do. These fine training resources were not available when I started learning how to use the Tormek.

I have been fortunate enough to have personally observed both Wolfgang and Stig sharpening. Their passion for sharpening is obvious as is their many hours of experience.

Do not become discouraged. I firmly believe that we can do anything they do we can do, also, if we are willing to put in the dedication and work. Mastery is a long road; however, for us it should be a pleasant and fukfilling journey.

The two platforms have different primary functions. The SVX is really designed for scissors. The SVD is really designed for larger turning scrapers. For chisels and plane irons, the best choice is the SE-77.

I am confused by "concave edges". If you mean cambering edges on plane irons (grinding back the outer edges to eliminate "plane tracks"), the SE77 is the ideal choice, as the amount of camber can be carefully controlled. Before we had the SE-77, we used the SE76 and leaned on the corners. This produced cambered edges which, if not exact, were usually close enough.

For heavily cambered edges, as used in roughing planes or for initial rough use with a jack plane, the SE-77 does not have enough adjustability range. This is best handled by the SVD. As this is for initial rough work, exact edge shape is not critical.

The SVD is a good "all arounder". The SE is the first choice for chisels and plane irons. The SVX is the logical choice for scissors.

I would start with the SE. (Watch the online class with Stig for a great chisel alignment tip.) Eventually you will probably want all three jigs.

Keep us posted.

I have not used HoneRite Gold or my SJ-250 in a long time. (This is not a criticism of either.)

John, I have not read anything from Tormek cautioning agaiinst using ACC (Tormek juice) with the SJ. Would you please post your source?

As ACC and Hone Rite Gold are sold by different companies, I might expect a non commital answer from either like "Our product works well. We have not tested other products."

Here is a link to one possible solution:

A spare water trough is inexpensive and easy to change out. There is never any cross contamination.

Rich is correct about the edge thickness of the two wheel sizes. However, the thickness of the two sizes at the indentation for the bore is almost identical. That is the reason why either size wheel will fit either size machine.

Please note that although this is possible does not mean that it is practical.

Tormek T-1 and T-2 / T2 "202" video
May 25, 2024, 01:28:20 PM
The T2 Online Class is well done and informative. This video goes beyond it, adding the experience gained from more time in the field. It is located on the Tormek Culinary youtube channel and well worth watching. I recommend it not just for T2 users, but also for anyone who sharpens knives with a Tormek. Here is a link:


I like your Premium Knife Sharpening Edition idea.

As an old woodworker who only sharpened chisels and plane irons, I agree with your idea that knives were somewhat of an afterthought, as long as the word "somewhat" is included. After all, the original Tormek idea was a Christmas present from Torgny to his father, who was a woodworker.

I also think it is fair to say that the blue "woodworking machines" are evolving greatly for knife sharpening, especially with the new KS-123 and KJ-45.

Knife Sharpening / Re: Simple Platform Jig
May 24, 2024, 05:52:27 PM

Goodidea! I have long advocated getting to know a good local machinist. I would change that recommendation to include getting to know a good 3D printer or developing 3D design or printing skills. I believe the 3D printing benefits for Tormek sharpeners are only limited by our imaginations.

I would point out one possible constraint in your design. The out of round shape of the bore is a patented design held by Tormek called Torlock. I don't believe making a platform for your personal use would be problematic; however, anyone wanting to manufacture them for sale would face breach of patent legal action. Using a round hole would circumvent this issue, although with reduced holding power.
