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Messages - Ken S

General Tormek Questions / Re: T3 or T7
November 11, 2010, 02:44:12 AM
I am surprised no one has addressed the differences between the T3 and T7 machines.  I have only used the T7, so I really cannot comment on the T3 based on actual experience.

The T3 has a smaller diameter grinding wheel (and leather hone).  Instead of a ten inch wheel, it has an eight inch wheel.  That would make more of a hollow grind.  Whether or not this is a problem in the real world I am not sure.  With dry grinders, an eight inch wheel is quite often larger than most.

The housing on the T3 is plastic instead of metal.  The implication is that it is less rugged.  Tormek seems a very customer oriented company, so I would think a replacement housing would be available at a fair price, if needed. 

The T3 is about half the weight of the T7, and noticeably smaller.  In a larger shop, this might be a disadvantage.  In a small shop, it might actually be a benefit.

I am quite happy with my T7.  If I did not have it, I believe I would also be quite happy with a T7.

It would be nice to hear from forum members who have experience with both models.

Rhino,  Like so many of us, you are paying the piper for all the years you did not sharpen your knives.  I would suggest focusing on three knives, the ones you use the most.  In my case, that would be the chef's knife, the paring knife, and the six inch slicing knife. (The most used knives will be the ones with the smallest remaining traces of the manufacturer's printing left on the blades.) That would make cooking the day's dinner more pleasant.  It would also prevent you from having a mindset of having to hurry.

I recall a comment in one of James Beard's book about a fine set of knives being at least as valuable as the good silver, and should last as long.  I have enjoyed using Hinckel knives for more than twenty years.  I use them daily, much more than any of my Kitchenaid or Cuisinart.  They are a joy to use, and I remove steel very carefully.  Do not make a chef's knife into a paring knife in haste.

Ron Hock's book on sharpening has a well written section on knife sharpening (including thinning the bolster).  I recommend acquiring a copy.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Females
October 04, 2010, 12:22:55 PM
Sharpwoman, can it be that you are the only female on this forum?  (I would be surprised.)  Since none of the women are offering advice, I might chime in.

In thirty-five years with the telephone company, I noticed that the best technicians, both male and female, usually had either a mentor or access go good training.  Having both is ideal, as well as some internal drive.

I believe finding a good teacher, either one on one or in one of the several small schools available would speed your learning process.  Doing some online poking around, I have found several in different areas of the country.  If you could find a one or two day training class which specialized in your area of interest, that would seem ideal.

The classes I have found (in Cleveland and Texas) also sell equipment. I am sure there must be others. If attending a class was not possible, these people have also written books and perhaps videos.

Apprenticing with a sharpener could be a very good choice.

In my opinion, Tormek has done a very fine job of providing educational material for woodworking tools.  In comparison, the offerings for the various types of scissors/ shears seem lean.  Given the large number of scissors users, this seems odd to me.  It seems a fertile area for Tormek to expand its training offerings.  The SharpTools video mentioned elsewhere is very good, but could be expanded to include more specialty scissors.

Good luck in your endeavour.  Please keep us posted.

General Tormek Questions / scissors questions
September 30, 2010, 04:08:48 AM
I just purchased the scissors jig.  I have not seem scissors disassembled before sharpening with the Tormek.  Is this the standard practice?

Also, for scissors which are in need of minor sharpening, is it advisable to start with the course grade?


General Tormek Questions / Re: Females
September 30, 2010, 04:05:22 AM
Welcome, sharpwoman.  I just purchased the scissors jig (it arrived today).  SharpTools has a well done you tube on sharpening scissors.  I hope you get lots of helpful replies.  I would also benefit from good suggestions.  Scissors are indeed as much tools of the trade for cosmetologists and seamstresses/ tailors as chisels and planes are for woodworkers.  Having more female sharpeners on the forum would be interesting.

Best of luck in your new venture.

I would suggest building the box with a space to securely store the grinding wheel beneath the T7.  It would give a low center of gravity and keep things from tipping over.  The new quick change shaft would seem like a nice idea with this arrangement.  Accessories could be stored beside the T7.
Two suggestions: 

A quick check with machinist's inside calipers would tell the tale.  If the feel on the right side between the stone and the bar seems the same as the left, you are parallel.  No need to get fancy; simple inside calipers
will suffice.

An old woodworker's trick is using winding sticks.  These are two parallel sticks placed on a board to be planed.  Sighting through the two sticks shows any "wind" (long "i") in the board which needs to be planed. (They should look parallel.) In good light, look through the gap between the wheel and bar from an angle which makes the gap small.  Your eyes will tell you of the gap is not parallel.
General Tormek Questions / comment for Jeff Farris
August 05, 2010, 11:47:48 AM
As a very full time grandfather of two pre-schoolers, my shop time is almost non-existant.  I am able to sneak in some computer time early in the morning.  I have been enjoying the training/demonstration videos that Jeff posted on his site and those in the turner's information kit.  Well done, Jeff.  It's easy to be a cheerleader for a fine product.  You went beyond that and provided some very solid, practical user information.  Thanks.

Good suggestions about using the foot switches.  I had the opportunity to try flattening an old plane blade and a 3/8" chisel. (I am very new to the Tormek.) The switch would have helped with the narrow chisel blade.  It certainly would not have hurt with the wide plane blade, although its width made it easier to align.

Using the side of the Tormek wheel strikes me as more like getting onto a moving escalator than jumping onto a moving train.

I will continue practicing back flattening with my Tormek.  The Tormek is certainly the cat's meow for many operations, and I am very happy with my decision to purchase it. However, I do not expect any tool to be "universal". This may be a situation where my old glass plate and sandpaper may be more practical for me.

Thanks for the replies.
I finally tried back flattening yesterday.  I was surprised with how simple it is.  I started with a spare old plane blade.  The wheel moves slowly; a little practice soon makes one comfortable. I did not use the universal support bar, although it seems like a good idea. The Tormek did as well as my 1000 grit waterstone, with less discomfort to my hands.  It was no faster.  In the future I will look into beginning with the 200 grit waterstone if much flattening is necessary.  I still prefer to finish with the 4000 or 8000 grit waterstone.

The Tormek did a nice job of flattening an old 3/8" Buck chisel with a belly in the blade.  Progress was slow, but very controlled.
Why the 80 grit stone?  I recently purchased a Norton 3X 46 grit stone for my dry grinder.  It cuts fast, and the finish is surprisingly not as coarse as I had expected.  These stones are made with two different binder hardnesses (I and K).  I don't know which might work better for you.  I also don't know how these stones would work wet, as mine is a six in diameter.

If it worked well wet, an eight inch 3X 46 grit stone would certainly speed up shaping.
I would agree with sbachner's suggestion.  A taller support bar would be a simple task for a local machine shop.  I recently had a local machine shop modify my Omnijig (dovetail router machine).  The work was done far more precisely than I could have done it, and the price was fair.

If you want to lower your end cost, consider having the shop make up several units, and sell the rest on ebay as after market products. 
I neglected to mention in the first post that Ron Hock states he made the suggestion for the fix to "Tormek's US representative". 
On page 90 of his sharpening book, Ron Hock states that he suggested a fix for flattening the backs of chisels and planes with the Tormek, and that it may already be available.  Would you please describe this.