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Messages - cbwx34

Quote from: RichColvin on August 08, 2017, 07:37:43 PM
Quote from: Jan on August 08, 2017, 06:10:46 PMI was pleased to see the TTS setter modified for knives among your jigs.

That's my HanJig, serial number 1 !!

It appears your knife jigs have been modified too?  Any more info on that?
Quote from: Ken S on August 08, 2017, 03:02:05 PM

This seems like a workable solution for a small space. It could not only be a goid work stand for your Tormek, it could be a very compact, portable multipurpose table.,42665&ap=1


I've tried a folding table like that... not really sturdy enough IMO.  (Machine makes them 'top heavy').

Edit to add:  If you're looking for a small portable table, this one (attached picture) isn't too bad... it 20"x30", height adjusts from 21-28", and is fairly stable.  (Personally though, I like the 4ft. portable tables better).
Quote from: Kavik on August 07, 2017, 06:30:13 PM
Thanks cbwx  :)
I like yours too, as a stationary unit.
I don't know if you ever travel with yours, but I've seen similar foam inserts you can buy for drawers that could keep your stuff from shifting around if you do

The toolbox is 20"x12"x8.5"... so it's portable... (close to the same size as yours).

I put in "non-skid" drawer liner... so things don't move around.
I like it.

I use a 3 drawer Toolbox...

I was hoping that photobucket would concede that it was a bad idea, and at least offer an alternative for previously hosted pics... but so far no go.

Personally, I think... for a company to make that big a jump (0 to $400)... there's probably a bigger issue behind it they're trying to survive.  Wouldn't surprise me if they go under.  So if you have pics you want... I'd download them sooner than later.  (Just my personal opinion).
General Tormek Questions / Re: forum photo thoughts
August 07, 2017, 05:45:26 AM
I too, was a 'victim' of the photobucket debacle.  I've had good luck using imgbb,,, free and pretty simple.  (Not sure if there's a downside to it).
Quote from: Kavik on August 05, 2017, 06:34:45 PM
As I mentioned, this came with 3 knife jigs...which is a bit confusing. I can only find reference to 2 different sizes anywhere on tormek's site.
What I've got here is the svm140, then something that looks to be an older version of the svm45 (functions and measurements are the same, just no model number stamped on it).
The third looks just like the svm140, but is only 100mm wide.
So the question is, was this an old version of the long knife jig? Or is this something different?

Can anyone suggest a method for sharpening a round knife / head knife?
It's a thin flat bladed knife with a semi circular edge, about 4-5" in diameter.
Here's an example on amazon
I don't have one here to experiment with yet, but looking to get one soon and just thinking ahead.  I don't expect it to be long enough to use the tool rest without the handle hitting the rest

Congrats on your purchase.  Sounds like a great deal.

This is the only part I can answer... the 100mm was an older version replaced by the 140mm "long knife jig".

I'll be interested if someone has an answer for the knife you linked to.  I have something similar... the only way I could do it on the Tormek was freehand... very carefully. :)

BTW, I think if you register on the main Tormek website, you can download an updated version of the manual.  Tons of info in the forum though... I'm finding new 'gems' every day.

Knife Sharpening / Re: Started a blog post...
August 02, 2017, 03:00:22 PM
Thanks for the input.  It has inspired an idea to add a section of "commercial sharpening tips" (coming soon).  I too, have benefited over the years from Steve's knowledge... his "Sharpening Made Easy" book is also full of info, and was glad to see he put a few videos on YouTube (I linked to some already... more to come).

Knife Sharpening / Started a blog post...
August 02, 2017, 01:25:25 AM
Started a blog post of links/references for sharpening knives on the Tormek... mainly to organize the excellent threads and posts I'm finding here.  Link will be in my signature, and will update it periodically.

Would love input, if you have a favorite thread, post, video etc.... any reference that would be of value!   :)

Knife Sharpening / Re: "Laser Guided" Sharpening...
July 31, 2017, 03:20:22 PM
Quote from: Herman Trivilino on July 31, 2017, 05:28:22 AM
Quote from: cbwx34 on July 25, 2017, 09:05:26 PMThe angles are marked on the wheel from the top in 5˚ or 10˚ increments (your choice).  (Every .436in. or 10.90mm is 5˚ on a 250mm or 10in. stone, if my math is right).

Close enough. I'm getting about 10.91 mm or 0.429 in.

What are you using for a laser?

Thanks for checking my math.  (You're right, I used 10" instead of the correct 9.84" of a 250mm stone).  :)

The laser is a Black & Decker BDL220S.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Jigs
July 31, 2017, 03:15:26 PM
My .02... I think cost and intended use are probably the main factors.  Space (mainly storage) would have to be at a premium... since, in use, you still need pretty much the same amount of room to work.  If mainly used for knives, (like me), the added jigs are of little value.  (I've maintained my stones with an XXC DMT for years, and have been able to keep it true, at least enough for knives... probably not accurate enough for the other uses though).  For the home user, cost of the larger stones may not be worth it, since you may never "wear out" even the smaller stone of the T-4.  So, lower cost, light use, and type of sharpening (knives) may point to the T-4.  And of course the reverse... heavier use, sharpening more than knives, need for the included accessories, etc. point to the T-8.  (That's my take anyway).
Knife Sharpening / Re: "Laser Guided" Sharpening...
July 28, 2017, 09:30:37 PM
Well heck, this was simpler than the clamp...   ::)

... and shows better on the stone.  I also partially covered the laser lens with tape, so it only shines on the stone, and not across the housing. Less distracting. There's also a "drill stop collar" on the support where it goes into the housing... between that and tightening the knob, it stays steady.  (Forgot to point it out before).

(BTW the laser is a Black & Decker BDL220s I got at the local hardware store... it has a magnet in the base.  Just checked... still around after all these years!)  :)
Quote from: Jan on July 26, 2017, 09:44:43 PM
Cbwx, be careful not to scratch the USB.

I have dealt with similar considerations as you, but without a specific output. The form of the adjustable stop was designed for easy sharpening of typical knife belly.


Haven't noticed any scratches... but I'll keep an eye out.  Thanks.

I agree about the stop, and thought about trying to modify the KME jig to see if I could fit it on there... but decided probably not worth the effort.  (Maybe later).

I can set a knife to just "lift the handle" of the knife in most cases, to adequately cover the belly/tip area, (although I know rotating is usually the better option).
General Tormek Questions / Re: Jigs
July 27, 2017, 01:15:11 AM
Interesting info about the "continuous duty".  Thanks.

Any reason why the SiC Blackstone wouldn't make it to the T-4?
General Tormek Questions / Re: Jigs
July 26, 2017, 08:35:12 PM
The Japanese stone is available for the T-4... the SiC Blackstone is not (yet). 😊

While size/weight is a factor, I think "how much" sharpening is an important factor... for example the "continuous motor" on the T-8.  And of course budget plays a factor, although the T-4 seems pretty solid for being the less expensive choice, there's advantages to the larger machine.

One point that I would be curious about, that maybe someone can answer that's used both, is the accuracy of the setup between the two... particularly on woodworking tools that seem to require it.