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Messages - cbwx34

Knife Sharpening / Re: KS-123 and total angles
July 25, 2024, 03:06:57 PM
Quote from: Ken S on July 25, 2024, 10:50:32 AM...
How does this relate to the 15° leather knife and the KS-123? Note the umber of microadjust turns and fractional turns to move one degree on the scale. Set the setting tool for 16° and remove it. Then adjust the microadjust by the predetermined number of turns.

This'll work.  While not a linear progression, if you want to go lower than 8 dps by just 1-3 or 4 deg... I'd just use one complete revolution of the MicroAdjust for each degree.  Easy to remember and consistent.  (Switch to another method of setting the USB if accuracy is more important.  ;) )
Knife Sharpening / Re: KS-123 and total angles
July 24, 2024, 05:38:46 PM
Quote from: AusSn on July 24, 2024, 04:50:33 PMI want to make sure I am understanding the use of the KS-123.

The angle measured is the per side angle?  And as such you can't use it if you want to put an angle of less than 16 degrees on a knife?

Sorry for such a basic question.

Yes the angle measured is degrees per side. (They should add that to the manual.)
Quote from: John_B on July 21, 2024, 09:09:17 PM...
 If so is there a video on how to achieve this shape using the KS-123?

Convexing an edge is done with the KJ-45, as seen here:
Quote from: Ken S on July 21, 2024, 02:01:19 PMNow that we have had the chance to use the KS-123 knife setting jig, I am curious to know your experiences with using it for convexing edges.

Have you used it to convex edges?

If so, did you use it once out of curiosity or has convexing become part of your regular sharpening program?

If convexing is now part of your regular sharpening program, which knives do you convex? (function and thickness)

For those of you who sharpen professionally, do your customers request convexing, and do you add a surcharge for it?

I have no hidden agenda pro or con, just curiosity to learn the wisdom and experience of the forum.


I'm not sure there's a real correlation between the KS-123 and convex sharpening?  It does (obviously) make the angle setting more accurate (and consistent), but the convex process itself didn't really change.

Tormek probably should point out that measuring the "Protrusion" will be a bit different if someone wants to convex an edge... I didn't see it in the instructions or the live demo that I can recall.

Edit:  p.s.  Did you ever convex the knife you bought to test?
Quote from: pietopper on July 13, 2024, 04:53:40 PM...
It seems very unlikely that two machines have the same fault, one that is so rare that it has not been reported here or anywhere else. So the fault must be on my side.

I wouldn't dismiss that 2 machines couldn't have the same fault... since they're probably batch produced.  I'd contact Tormek Support again.  If they got your other machine back, although a small chance, maybe they could tell you if they found anything wrong.
Knife Sharpening / Re: ceramic knives with the S G
July 15, 2024, 09:16:28 PM
Quote from: 3D Anvil on July 15, 2024, 06:37:49 PMDo you happen to remember what your edge angle was, CB? 

It was 20dps.  (I think I tried 15dps on one of them a while back and I saw a lot of chipping.)
Quote from: ROC on July 10, 2024, 01:51:56 AM40-50 kitchen knives per day.

Right now, I use a Kalamazoo 1x42 to grind the bevel close to my desired angle. 
Then I use my sg250, coarse and fine, to set the edge. 

I need to speed my process up.

Think 3-4 T-8's, with different grit wheel from 150'ish, 400 800, then debur. 

I'm pretty confident I'll stay bust enough to justify the added cost of about $3K. 

My question is multi-fold

1- CBN of diamond
2 - Why?
3- Your go-to source for said wheels. 

I'm sure this has been asked before but I can't find much of anything helpful. 

Where did the trend of adding a lot of wheels start?  ???  Personally, I like Steve B. of Sharpening Made Easy approach... a belt sander for repairs, a Tormek with a stock wheel to set the edge (freehand), and either paper wheels or a ceramic wheel setup to debur.

At a minimum, I'd stop grading the SG250, and just use it in it's "neutral" state... it's around 600g and leaves a great edge.
Quote from: Nikos on July 09, 2024, 06:39:52 PMHello fellow grinders.
Just upgraded to a new T8 Black from a T4 and found that I cannot mount the DF-250 on the correct side. It easily mounts when I flip the wheel with the plastic wall on the outside but when I flip it over to the correct side (grit wall facing out) the bore won't go past the end of the shaft threading.
Checked for burrs on the inside but it feels smooth.

Probably need to contact Customer Support for this one.
Quote from: Ringarn67 on July 09, 2024, 02:25:18 PMOR, you can print a two in one, spacer AND nut  ;)

I have also designed a nut in case you lose the original

Quote from: Rob on July 06, 2024, 10:44:41 PM...
But of course you're right, I should fix the T7 shouldn't I?  Shouldn't I?

Personally, I think the updated EZYlock shaft is a better upgrade than the adjustable water trough... I'd just put the money toward that (keeping this in mind)... assuming you can fix the "torque" issue. (A shaft upgrade might fix it.)  Then spend the extra money on a KS-123, FVB, or what Rich mentioned... something that you'd notice an actual difference in sharpening.  An adjustable water tray can be offset easily by Ken's suggestion, or just better water management.
Quote from: Rob on July 04, 2024, 10:55:32 AMThere's a promotion in the UK right now from Axminster tools. Unrelated to this one but interesting nonetheless. It allows you to buy a naked T8 or 4 to essentially switch out your older T2000 or T7 motor. You can salvage your existing wheels and mount them on a nice shiny new T8 with the easier to use water bath.

Cost is £400 odd. I'm seriously considering it

Isn't that just a "Tormek Custom"?
Quote from: RichColvin on July 03, 2024, 04:34:42 PMWell, as one who's worn out two SG and one or two SB grindstones in the 21 years I've had my Tormek, I'd say it is very possible.

To me, 178mm is the more interesting point.  I've always thought of 180mm as the min.  And to get down to that, I had do some interesting machinations to get the water trough on the T-2000 raised up high enough ( 

The exception that proves the rule?  :)

The link I gave earlier is from Tormek's website.  While it's the last promo, it says picture instead of mailing the stone in, 180mm instead of "178".  Makes me think some of the resellers are "adlibbing" or maybe given outdated material?  Perhaps someone who is in regular contact with Tormek could straighten this out...  ???
Quote from: John Hancock Sr on July 02, 2024, 07:17:17 AM...You have to ship back the old wheel...

Based on the last promotion, you actually only need to submit a picture.

Quote from: tgbto on July 02, 2024, 09:02:20 AM...
I don't see any exclusions for professional sharpeners,

I don't either, I thought someone posted (or made a video) that they wouldn't do it for a commercial operation, but i don't see it in the earlier promotion.
Quote from: 3D Anvil on July 01, 2024, 09:07:12 PMLooks like Tormek is running a promotion offering free gindstones for life if you purchase a T-8 or T-4 in July!  I would imagine there are some pro knife sharpeners out there who could make out like bandits with this one.

Might check the fine print... last time it was 3 stones max and I think commercial sharpeners were excluded?  (Also a 25 year cutoff.)

Kinda like "unlimited" phone data...  ::)

Still not a bad deal for some, but I'd imagine it actually doesn't benefit most users.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Vadim Kraichuk
June 29, 2024, 01:50:11 AM
Quote from: Steven on June 29, 2024, 01:36:03 AMHello, Vadim Kraichuk's site has been made inaccessible. Like many of you, I learned a lot from him. In order to honor his work which he has made accessible on his site, I would like to pay out of my own pocket so that the site comes back online. I managed to find the host of the site, however, I need authorization from the owner (Vadim, who is dead and therefore cannot give it to me..) or authorization from his family . So I need to get in touch with her. So I'm asking if any of you could help me with this. I would like to honor Vadim's work.

We have to act quickly, since I don't know how long the information will be stored before being deleted.

You can contact me on my email address: (I hope I have permission to post it here?).

ps: Forgive me if my text seems strange to you, I am translating it from French to English.

You can try his son... the email address is in this post...,5023.msg36226.html#msg36226

...FWIW the website is archived here:

KnifeGrinders Website Archive