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Knife Sharpening / Re: KS-123 and total angles
Last post by 3D Anvil - Today at 06:39:47 AM
I would think that the knife jig would hit the stone at under 8° per side, but then I've never tried it.
General Tormek Questions / Re: ACC questions
Last post by Columbo - Yesterday at 03:23:09 PM
Ken great question.

I for sure would find this quantitative analysis very beneficial.

I'm sure our career-minded pro knife, sharpeners maybe be able to chime in and offer us some insight. Hopefully please.

But muddling this in my head right now, I think there maybe several other variables that may influence the uses of ACC. For example, the subjective variable concerning the amount of pressure one puts on the knife while grinding on the diamond stone, which in turn naturally would create a dirtier and more tainted water solution. Now I'm no where near even an intermediate sharpener but l am falling prey to maybe changing the solution more often than l should be even as a hobbiest if you will.

Anyveee, hopefully again, our 33 daily knife sharpening wizards can ante up some insights.

Thxxxx Phil
Wood Turning / Re: an interesting point
Last post by John Hancock Sr - Yesterday at 01:14:38 AM
Quote from: tgbto on July 25, 2024, 08:47:20 AMohn, those drums are beautiful. You must be very proud.
I certainly am. They look as good in person as they do in the pictures.

Quote from: Ken S on July 25, 2024, 11:59:46 AMYour son's outstanding work speaks very well of both him and his inspiring coach. Well done!
When he was starting out we had long discussions on tools and techniques but I am the one asking him now.

A couple of years ago he decided to make a work bench using only hand tools. He used a very hard very dense Australian hard wood called Iron Wood (for very good reason). That was a really good introduction to hand tools.

Having said that he uses a lot of custom jigs in his drum making. Being a trained welder comes in very handy for jig making.

Knife Sharpening / Re: Does Tormek Endorse?
Last post by 3D Anvil - Yesterday at 12:29:42 AM
Knife Sharpening / Re: Does Tormek Endorse?
Last post by 3D Anvil - Yesterday at 12:28:49 AM
FWIW, here's my video on the dual-wheel setup:
Tormek T-1 and T-2 / Re: Motor turns but wheels do ...
Last post by Ken S - July 25, 2024, 04:22:00 PM
Have you heard anything more from Tormek support?

Knife Sharpening / Re: KS-123 and total angles
Last post by Ken S - July 25, 2024, 04:19:41 PM
I can see where various methods would work, including calculators or the marker method.
We should keep in mind that this discussion is now centered around 15° leather knives. How frequently will most of us encounter these knives or similar ones?

For the majority of knives which we actually sharpen, I believe the 8 to 25 degrees per side scale of the KS-123 is sufficient. My question is how many knives have we sharpened in the last year which do not fall in this range?

I acknowledge that there are other types of knives which do not fall within the range of the KS-123. Knives like cleavers and Serbian chef knives come to mind. Given a typical busy sharpening schedule like a Saturday morning at a farmers market, how many of these knives would one typically expect? My second question would be, how do you presently sharpen them? The marker method or calculators will still work for these outliers. I am not writing from actual high volume experience, so please feel free to disagree with me.

Knife Sharpening / Re: KS-123 and total angles
Last post by tgbto - July 25, 2024, 03:08:44 PM
Or ... use a calculator  ::)
Knife Sharpening / Re: KS-123 and total angles
Last post by cbwx34 - July 25, 2024, 03:06:57 PM
Quote from: Ken S on July 25, 2024, 10:50:32 AM...
How does this relate to the 15° leather knife and the KS-123? Note the umber of microadjust turns and fractional turns to move one degree on the scale. Set the setting tool for 16° and remove it. Then adjust the microadjust by the predetermined number of turns.

This'll work.  While not a linear progression, if you want to go lower than 8 dps by just 1-3 or 4 deg... I'd just use one complete revolution of the MicroAdjust for each degree.  Easy to remember and consistent.  (Switch to another method of setting the USB if accuracy is more important.  ;) )
Wood Turning / Re: an interesting point
Last post by Ken S - July 25, 2024, 11:59:46 AM

Your son's outstanding work speaks very well of both him and his inspiring coach. Well done!
