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Knife Sharpening / Re: How to achieve less than 1...
Last post by tgbto - July 12, 2024, 08:40:20 AM
And for those who can't/won't spend that much on BESS hardware, a simpler approach with a cheap microscope and nylon wire (fishing line) can be a good burr detector : mark a point along the edge with a sharpie, set the wire down on a board, align the wire and the sharpie mark, cut the wire using a downward-only (not rocking) movement, ideally not all the way through the wire, and check the spot under the microscope. A dent in the blade will be an excellent indicator of a burr remaining along the apex.

All for under 20 bucks. Easily made even better with a support that will hold the wire taunt an inch above the board while cutting.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Free gindstones for life!
Last post by Brock O Lee - July 12, 2024, 03:27:45 AM
Hand Tool Woodworking / Re: Scrub Plane Blades
Last post by John Hancock Sr - July 12, 2024, 02:09:54 AM
The SVD-110 is pretty much it for anything tormek jiggy. I sharpened mine this way and it is certainly serviceable but not ideal. What is really needed is something with a pivot point that is one radius away from the edge. Some sort of custom jig I am thinking.

In any case the scrub plane is all brute force an ignorance as they say in the classics, so it does not need to be really super sharp or pretty.
Knife Sharpening / Re: How to achieve less than 1...
Last post by Ken S - July 11, 2024, 09:21:21 PM
Thanks, Sir A.

Knife Sharpening / Re: How to achieve less than 1...
Last post by Sir Amwell - July 11, 2024, 06:33:17 PM
Well put Ken. Couldn't agree more.
Knife Sharpening / Re: How to achieve less than 1...
Last post by Ken S - July 11, 2024, 04:30:45 PM
"Under 100 BESS" what does that mean? I think we must determine whether the significance is the number itself or what it signifies. One of my three BESS testers is an older model of the PB-50C. With its accuracy of 25g, it is the bottom of the BESS totem pole. Most of us would probably turn up our noses at it. However, if we are not concerned with an actual number, it can serve as a "go-no go" indicator of the existance of remaining burr. (Full disclosure; my older PB-50B is my go to tester and the tester Edge on Up recommends for most users.)

I believe Wootz of Knifegrinders had his priorities straight in his video where he discussed how many would be content with a BESS in the 130 range, whereas he knew that that test indicated residual burr which would shorten the duration of sharpness.

I do not doubt that many of you are aware of this. My point is, for the benefit of our users newer to BESS, I believe it is important to state the goal is complete burr removal.  The actual BESS number is a byproduct of this, not the objective itself.

General Tormek Questions / Re: New T8 Black issue
Last post by Nikos - July 11, 2024, 04:13:20 PM
Quote from: Columbo on July 11, 2024, 01:50:57 AMYeah, same here with mine
Interesting... might be a bad batch.
General Tormek Questions / Re: For production work.....
Last post by 3D Anvil - July 11, 2024, 04:04:10 PM
Quote from: Dutchman on July 11, 2024, 10:55:57 AMTwo wheels on a Tormek?
They interfere with each other when sharpening.
That's also the reason I have to remove the wheel if I want to use the honingwheel.
Surprisingly, it isn't often a problem.  Why?  Because most knives that are long enough to be a concern have a curved belly towards the tip.  When you raise the handle to hit the belly, it eliminates the problem of impacting the other wheel.  Thus, even a 10" chef's knife isn't an issue.

You can even work around a long, straight knife by holding the sides of the handle instead of wrapping your fingers around it.

The leather honing wheel is only a problem because Tormek nonsensically opted to give it a smaller diameter than the grinding wheel.
Hand Tool Woodworking / Re: Scrub Plane Blades
Last post by - July 11, 2024, 03:32:08 PM
Dear Ken, Larry - and all,

I sharpen crub plane blade  with abrasives on wooden sticks shaped to the scrub blade (quality - SIA abrasives on paper preferred.)I have chosen 500, 1000, 2000 and 2500 SIA paper...
Method is recommended by Chris Schwarz.

Second possibility is the method described here - wooden arc template attached to the blade....

I did not tried yet, it seems very quick (and feasible both on Tormek and dry grinder...)

General Tormek Questions / Re: For production work.....
Last post by Dutchman - July 11, 2024, 10:55:57 AM
Two wheels on a Tormek?
They interfere with each other when sharpening.
That's also the reason I have to remove the wheel if I want to use the honingwheel.