Thanks, will check it out

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Show posts MenuQuote from: Ken S on March 21, 2022, 09:06:10 AM
Hi, Pietje.
The problem with grinding the shaft or reaming the bore of the grinding wheel is that neither corrects the real problem. The grinding wheel has been manufactured with an undersized bore. The real solution is to return the wheel to the vendor for replacement or refund. This assumes that the wheel was purchased new with the presumption that it would properly fit on a Tormek.
We have probably all modified parts to work together for special projects. A brand new, expensive product when used for its intended purpose should function properly without need of user modification. I would expect this of Tormek or any third party.
Quote from: Pietje on March 19, 2022, 10:40:06 AM
And no japanese Waterstone!
Quote from: Pietje on March 16, 2022, 02:40:05 AMQuote from: JustADudeInSweden on January 27, 2022, 01:05:00 AM
curious to know if you (who sharpen many knives per day) do the above for each knife or do something like:
I thought in the same way like you.
I solved it by buying a diamond wheel 360 for the first grinding, so the standart stone is always prepared to 1000.
Quote from: Ken S on February 21, 2022, 06:03:41 PM
I never thought anyone intended to make the thread somber (pardon my colonial spelling).
Several years ago, the US distributor for Tormek asked me to fill in for one of their demonstrator s at a local woodworking show. I would be arriving several hours before they did, so I offered to use my personal T7 and T4 instead of them having to ship them. I knew my T4 would probably be running all day. I knew the real "thirty minute duty" situation, and had no hesitation in using my personal T4.
For what it's worth, I have been following every T4 forum post since it was introduced in 2014.I have never read any posts with burned out T4 motors.
Quote from: Millerti87 on February 18, 2022, 02:39:29 PMYep! Did my sisters knives
I was in the same boat as you a few months ago. Ultimately, due to my space constraints, I went with the T4. I wanted the ability where I could stash it away when not in use, and be able to travel with it if needed. I've already been able to take it to my brothers house and do all of his knives when I visited him for the weekend, ..
Quote from: Ken S on February 18, 2022, 04:38:50 PMWith Tormek, there are no bad choices....and comes with a s**tload of fun! I've been experimenting with different angles with "HOUCHO" branded kitchen knives (cheap-ish Japn knife that I got for free).
Quote from: Nico on February 08, 2022, 09:37:25 AM
I also read in the handbook (p.44) that occasionally, it is recommended to re-oil the honing wheel, in addition to recharging the honing compound. The handbook said one application of compound lasts for honing 5-10 tools. After that, it recommends you re-impregnate the honing wheel with a few drops of oil and apply fresh compound.
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