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Topics - JustADudeInSweden

As a newbie, hobbiest I am still getting the hang of this, but I noticed that when sharpening from top (the wheel coming towards you) there is a chance of gouging the jpn stone (it's soft) so I sharpen from below (wheel running away from you) - results are good, no complaints.

Had a bad chip, trued it, running from below and everything going great!

Just curious question:
Any downsides to sharpening from below instead of above?

General Tormek Questions / Different sized wheels...
February 16, 2022, 08:44:27 PM

I have the regular wheel, it's getting a slight wobble so I have bought the tt50 to tru it.

Once I tru it (SG stone), the diameter will decrease ever so slightly, so my question is:

(The idea is to normal grind on SG stone, then finish on SJ.)

Will I have to set the angle again on a (new) Japn stone or will the tiny change in the stone diameter not matter enough to do so?


Thinking of taking up a new hobby, making myself a leather toolbag and wallet :P
so a question to anybody here who works with leather; what jig do you use to sharpen your leather cutting tools?

General Tormek Questions / Spacer for higher RPM
February 03, 2022, 05:43:13 PM
I see some videos of people using a spacer for higher RPM of their Tormeks, as a noob I'm curious - is it really needed?
General Tormek Questions / Extra fine adjuster?
February 02, 2022, 11:51:15 PM
Anybody have any experience with this product and it's claim of 1200-1500 extra fine grit?
Knife Sharpening / Hand or jig?
January 31, 2022, 10:53:38 PM

For these tiny pocket knives, is it all handheld or is some jig recommended?

I have not been in the sharpening world for long but with the little experience I have with my new T4 ( ...

and after looking at the Tormek machine history (,

can't help but wonder, why has Tormek not produced a machine (T4 or T8) with two wheels (regular on one end and SJ (stead of honing wheel) on the other) and call it the "T8 Ultimate"?!

No more changing wheels - and for many, they arn't even using the honing wheel or have one on a seperate machine so it wont be a big loss...

Am I missing something?
General Tormek Questions / Strop jig
January 29, 2022, 05:51:44 AM
Presently, after grinding I use the stropping wheel freehand, by feel.

My question is, how important is it to set up and strop via the jig instead of freehand? Does it make a big difference? Because as I understand it - it's just there to take out the hairline burr from the last process...

Knife Sharpening / Leather honing wheel
January 27, 2022, 03:23:58 PM

I was looking at the Tormek video:

and comparing it to mine, the honing wheel there looks much darker than mine (see below), do I need to put more oil in or does it get darker with use?

General Tormek Questions / Jap stone, Strop wheel
January 27, 2022, 03:15:18 PM
Quick Q:
For those of you who own the Japan stone (4k grit), do you use the stropping wheel at all?

Youtube videos show a better mirror finish using the Jap stone compared to the honing wheel..

I'm a noob and a hobby sharpener who jsut got a T4.

I don't have many knives, but it's still a pain in the @... to

- take knife 1, use the grade stone to go to low grit, sharpen, use stone to change to high grit
(change knife)
- take knife 2, use the grade stone to go to low grit, sharpen, use stone to change to high grit

curious to know if you (who sharpen many knives per day) do the above for each knife or do something like:

use the grade stone to go to low grit, sharpen knives 1,2,3,4,5 etc
use stone to change to high grit, sharpen knives 1,2,3,4,5 etc

I'm a noob to these kinds of machines, and I was wondering what's the logic behind having an On and Off button on the Tormek instead of one button that does both on and off?

The one button option seems more convienient and should/would be cheaper to make... right?

(Just curious)
Hey everyone!

I'm a noob who got a T4 for the new year  ;), I'm making youtube videos of my experience:

my question is at this point ( the water drips on the machine and on the floor... (1) is there a better option so that it does not make such a mess and (2) what are my chances of causing a short circuit by dripping water on the machine?
