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Messages - SharpenADullWitt

Wood Turning / SVS-50 size difference
July 11, 2014, 05:13:58 AM
I kept coming back to that and finally found two videos that gave a little bit of idea of the newer verses the older jig.
How much shorter is the newer jig? (rather not modify it too short)
Drill Bit Sharpening / Re: Left handed bits?
July 11, 2014, 03:47:29 AM
How about working on old vehicles (can anyone say rust and broken bolts).
Knife Sharpening / Re: the learning curve.
July 11, 2014, 03:46:33 AM
One other downside is it is still early technology.  Talked to a friend about the conversion done by his grocery store, bulbs are burning out quite frequently (at least currently a warranty issue), and they are guaranteed five years.  (stores break even point is less then that)

I went for regular bulbs today (bosses request) and looked, LED's are also not sold in a contractor pack/bulk pack yet. ???
Drill Bit Sharpening / Left handed bits?
July 10, 2014, 07:50:12 AM
Can they be done on this?
We should be happy you talk, Stig.  Normally I just see you drive fast and not say a word. ;D
Quote from: Ken S on July 09, 2014, 02:50:19 AM

I disagree about Tormek being the jig provider for less expensive main units.  Yes, they are probably compatable. However, why would one cheap out on the main component?  I have actually purchased two T7 units (the first one was stolen).  The two cost less than what I have in jigs.  Most of my lifestyle is simple.  I like to put the quality in long lasting purchases. Items with a short life, like vehicles, have never been that important to me.  Tools, which should last for generations, are a much higher priority.
Why, quite simply budget.
In the stone case I know of (relative), it is because the cost, and he refuses to use my unit ("I will use up all your stone and I don't want to do that").  Since mine came with the jigs for a turner and carver, that I don't use yet, as well as the old straight jig, I passed those along to use (I know from others they work on both the Jet and Grizzly).  The chip was worked out of my old stone via a hand crank grinder, but the treadle device, went towards another purpose (leatherwork sewing machine) and he was going to "build his own motorized device".  (I sent him the link based on costs he gave me and he came out ahead just using the Griz for the motor. (look back at the old Tormek tools, and get the idea's)
He is the type where/when he gets money ahead, the Tormek will be purchased, but for now he is learning.  (although I do worry he is losing it, as he argued with me that the grading stone is a Nagura stone, not the only reason I think he is losing it)
When/if he upgrades, this will be passed on to another relative, who will probably used it QUITE a bit less, rather then CL it.  (be better off CL'ing it IMHO)
Quote from: Rob on July 09, 2014, 01:05:58 AM
Can anybody tell me in which universe the TS-740 would be in anyone's budget?  I mean seriously.  If the people on this forum aren't prepared to buy it (ie Tormek freaks for want of a better term) then who is exactly??

Let me just say I know the universe, and am allowed into it (friends) but know it is out of my league.
That said, there are also those that (for lack of a pc term), shouldn't afford it, but are the type to have to have this match this, or this top of the line, etc.
Do you always sharpen with your Tormek, or are there tools and preferences you choose other things for?

Some use a dry grinder for general shaping and I am considering that for garage sale tools (make the Tormek stone last longer).  There are other tools, personally I see no need for the Tormek (not going to be using it on my mower blades, a die grinder or angle grinder works great for that).  Then there are habits that I haven't changed, or figured out if I need to yet (keep the hand stones handy, for touch ups when using a chisel).  I look at some of these, and to me they are similar to using a steel to keep kitchen knives sharp, until you have to sharpen.
I hope this isn't too far out of line to ask, because I doubt I am the only one who believes multiple systems work well for them and would like to learn about others experiences.
While the lesser priced clones have probably eaten into them, that may really only be a short term thing.  I've seen multiple people talking about using the clones (effectively a motor) and the Tormek Jigs and in one case I am aware of, wheel.
Not everyone will go with a Tormek, and some may upgrade later, as budgets allow.  For me it was out of reach for years, until I fell into a buy on CL, and then got extra's due to overtime and no other bills. (paying off my house was a big goal I achieved)

Jeff, good to know your fine, and I should straighten something out, it was an AD, NOT an article.
Ken, the above post was my understanding of the wheels (dry out), however Tormek isn't my only sharpening stuff.  I'd like to store my water pond and such in the rack (why I kept looking for drawer sizes), and due to employers medical issues, have had less time and more overtime (only reason price was less concern).

On another site, they were recommending restaurant equipment type of tables (stainless steel, 24" square basically), and those can be found for less then the cost of the sheet of stainless for just the top.  So I am thinking of building my own drawers, when time allows.
Since they came out with this, one thing that annoy's me is I have been looking for them to update their information on it, to list DRAWER SIZE.  Guy's, if your listening, when it comes to toolboxes, that is REQUIRED information for those who are trying to determine what best fits their needs.

I gave up waiting. :(
Jeff may not be a moderator, but clicking on his name, shows that he still visits:

Date Registered:
    November 24, 2003, 10:18:08 pm
Local Time:
    July 08, 2014, 11:36:39 am
Last Active:
    July 06, 2014, 06:20:17 pm

So while he may or may not have moderating duties (at whose choice?), he still visits.

It would appear Stickan is the/a moderator.
I looked online before posting here, and I am guessing maybe Jeff, can't respond until closer to Sept. (release date?).  I figure the marketing director, just doesn't realize how far in advance some magazines come out, or they don't want the T-3 to start building up stock, from those waiting for the new model.
Just found this, as this is one of the things I was wondering about when I joined and asked about refurbishing.  (my understanding is this wasn't powder coat but paint)

Wondering if anyone has matched the green (does it match an existing color for ones that only need chip touchup)?

This looks good.  If I did mine, it would probably end up red, simply because of the amount of red paint cans I have here, from other projects (bought on sale for $1 a can when I needed any color paint).
Having a local damaged freight store, sometimes office supplies can be found cheap.  Saw this the other day when trying to find out about knife rolls for a friend: