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Messages - Dan

Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 19, 2023, 02:06:05 PM
Quote from: aquataur on August 19, 2023, 11:47:53 AMSo because it has been asked here what the problems are with changing wheels: the problem is that you true any wheel and the next time you mount it it wobbles.
I find myself re-opening and re-fastening the wheels several times before it runs acceptable, but never as true as before.

This is another reason I prefer not to remove the wheel even though not many users who do change wheels frequently report having any problem with this.

Quote from: aquataur on August 19, 2023, 11:47:53 AMThe SG-200 (I have a T3), unlike the after-market other wheels I have, has a few tenth of a millimeter bore play and I have to put on thin layers of adhesive tape every time I mount it. And of course remove this once I use a different wheel.
This is really sickening.

If anybody has found a fix for this, I would be very thankful.

This does sound like a particular problem with either the wheel hole or the axle on your machine. More generally, some people suggest always lining up the wheel with the label writing horizontally before tightening so that it goes back in theory in the same place. Not sure it would help if there is significant play between the parts. I think I read of someone using some sort of epoxy filler on the wheel hole with a suitable diameter teflon? rod while it sets. This may not be possible with such a small amount of play though.

Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 18, 2023, 11:38:34 AM
Quote from: Sir Amwell on August 18, 2023, 01:20:48 AMHi Dan. Ken is giving good advice. When I am doing a batch of knives I put them all at the same projection on my jigs for a given angle set up on grinding wheel on the T8. Set all those knives ready for honing. Then remove grind wheel and set up for honing on leather wheel with a FVB. Or your chosen honing method. The removal of the grinding wheel becomes less of an issue.
You will need more jigs though. I have 10 of the old svm45 which makes it easy for volume sharpening and with those old adjustable jigs makes it easy to set them all to a predetermined projection measurement.
If you are just occasional sharpening, what is the issue with removing the grinding wheel to enable you to hone?
Am I missing something with your problem?
You already seem to have solved the problem with your independent honing set up.

Not sure I see it as a 'problem' per se... I simply don't want to remove the wheel each time I want to hone a knife accurately.
It involves (unless I am not getting something  ;) )
setting up angle,
grinding knife,
lowering water tray,
emptying water tray,
removing grinding wheel,
do honing,
remounting grinding wheel,
putting water tray back on and up,
refilling water level in tray,
resetting angle,
and all over again for each knife. This assumes that the grinding wheel goes back on exactly lined up and true as before which I have doubts about.

Or buy 10 knife jigs like you say  ;D  but then one still has to mount each knife in a jig anyway so no real time saving in that sense.

I just wanted a different way.
As I said, it is much more straightforward in my mind to grind, then keeping the knife in the jig so no change of projection distance (I have only one KJ-45) and go straight to honing on the other wheel I got. The grinding wheel is still ready and waiting for the next knife.
Each knife takes a few minutes to sharpen (grind and hone) accurately with no faffing around.

To me it is more or less an extension of the whole Tormek idea. The machine is a grinding wheel and honing wheel already set up on one machine. This is perfect for woodworking tools and some others and is a hassle free design. No need to change wheels on and off for honing etc. Just imagine if there was only one axle with a wheel available. You would need to change the wheel to hone and then once again to grind.
To me that is the situation with knives. The Tormek is simply not really designed for knives which is probably why a lot of people who do knives regularly develop a separate system for honing.
The T8 and T4 are excellent machines but they have some limits.
It reminds me of that machine that Tormek made in the past (see history of Tormek video) with a long axle and hence a big distance between the grinding and honing wheels. They obviously decided not to pursue this design as it made it a big and bulky item. But it looked very practical for longer items like knives.

For most people the basic machine is OK and you find ways to use it satisfactorily. My separate honing wheel thing didn't cost a lot and works very well for longer items.

I hope that helps explains my thinking somewhat.


Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 18, 2023, 10:49:11 AM
Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 17, 2023, 10:20:23 PM
Quote from: Ken S on August 17, 2023, 05:29:43 PM...batch of ten knives, are all ten of them long enough to require removing the grinding wheel?
If using the USB to hone then, yes, definitely. For manual honing of couse it is OK at an angle to avoid the grinding wheel but it is just not so accurate (for me anyway) even with a lot of practice.

Quote from: Ken S on August 17, 2023, 05:29:43 PM...If the removal/replacement time is a real problem, extra knife jigs are less expensive than a second machine. Two or three spare knife jigs would certainly speed things.

Not sure how extra jigs might speed it up as you still have to mount each knife in a jig regardless. Anyway as I said, I had the other very cheap machine anyway to use. Maybe if one gets a good price on a used T4 or even T3, it would make an affordable useful honing place.
Now, for me with this set up, it is very easy to grind knives and then quickly transfer to the other machine for honing without any changing of wheels and still keeping the knife in the jig to allow for angle accuracy.

Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 10, 2023, 09:41:43 PM
;D  ;D Thanks for your answers.

I am extremely happy with my T8 but there are limitations. The basic set up works extremely well for woodworking tools but achieving the same results with knives (and especially larger ones) is more complicated without some sort of adaptation.
Removing the grinding wheel to hone is just a pain to me.
On the T8 I couldn't find a satisfactory method for honing knives with the grinding wheel on. I asked the question about your technique in the hope that I had missed something  :D  :D

I decided to use the slow drive on the bench grinder as I never used it for grinding at all. It was just there anyway. I did have to upgrade the machine little to run nicely but it wasn't too difficult. These machines are really not bad but quite poorly made in terms of accuracy.

Still, with a little effort I can now grind and hone quite precisely. I still use the Tormek honing wheel for chisels and planes.

As far as the FVB is concerned, I made one myself which I am very happy with. I must say that I have not had extensive use of it yet. I haven't really found  much need apart from sharpening a very wide cleaver which was difficult to grind on the usual side as the USB was hardly in the slots! I know I could get a longer Tormek USB to help but....
The FVB enables the USB to change its position dramatically - just pull out a bit and the USB is much further away. This allows the same angles for wider blades but much lower in the vertical slots to get a solid position. This means grinding away from you for a change but it works very well too.

Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 10, 2023, 02:49:26 PM
Quote from: tgbto on August 10, 2023, 02:42:29 PMI'm 100% with you on this, I even bought a T-8 custom dedicated to honing, so I just setup the FVB for honing and USB for grinding, adjust the projection distances, and I'm down to 3-5 minutes per knife if they've been ground to the preset angle already.
Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 10, 2023, 02:44:12 PM
My separate honing wheel for any one interested. if the photo posting works!

Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 10, 2023, 02:21:44 PM
Well, yes! I still have the spacer but...

I was asking how the FVB helps give more access for honing compared to the normal horizontal base whether or not the grinding wheel is on.

I tend to do a batch of all my own kitchen knives maybe 10 or so at a time once a week(ish) and I do not want to take the wheel off and then put it back on for each knife. Hence the honing apart on a separate wheel/machine without any obstacles at all!

I can just grind then hone quickly without any faffing around or changing any set up.

Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
August 10, 2023, 01:53:56 PM
Quote from: aquataur on August 10, 2023, 01:14:48 PM...I found that using the USB on the horizontal position for honing does not work in many cases.
The position you need is obstructed by some machine component.

Using a FVB breaks you free from that limit. I knitted my own which works a treat...

Would you mind elaborating on how the FVB allows better access for honing, espescially for longer knives?

I also made a FVB which works perfectly although I still couldn't get enough space for honing knives at precise angles. I find the Grinding wheel is still in the way.

I ended up with another solution which allows me to hone knives. I got a 200mm diameter leather wheel from Shleifjunkies (excellent service, BTW) and mounted it on the slow geared drive of my cheap bench grinder. I then made a new support for the USB so that I can grind on the Tormek and then hone efficiently on this wheel.
I use Calcapp (thanks CBW,finally got my head round using it!) to get the required grinding and honing angles and now I don't do the manual honing method at all.

If anyone is interested, I could post a photo to explain, if it helps.


Quote from: cheater on July 09, 2023, 10:23:35 AM...if I buy it in Sweden, will the handbook also contain other languages? For example, English or German.

simple answer - No! THey are sold with the manual in the language appropiate for the country.

More nuanced answer - The handbook is available to buy separately (for under 30 euros here in France)
If you are in Sweden, is it not possible to visit the Tormek factory and buy direct? You may find that they will do the English or German manual for you.. No harm in contacting them to find out.
Out of interest, I bought my T8 from Germany not too long ago and therefore have the manual in German which I do not speak!
So if you want it maybe I could sell it to you - via ebay or something?? Let me know if that is of any use.


Knife Sharpening / Re: stone with tormek t4
July 05, 2023, 08:35:26 AM
Quote from: sfeuxy on July 04, 2023, 11:47:20 PMthanks, i am from belguim
If you do decide that you want the Japanese stone, see Coutellerie Marcin 189 euros...
I have not bought from them but they seem to be OK.

PS Je suis content de parler en français si cela peut t'aider..
Knife Sharpening / Re: stone with tormek t4
July 04, 2023, 11:36:57 PM
It is not so easy to know exactly what the difficulty is that you may be having.

Personally, I am happy with the sharpness of my knives using the standard Tormek stone. I do rough grade if necessary, then fine grade followed by the honing wheel to remove the burr finally.

I feel that there a lot of user skill involved in learning to sharpen on the Tormek, especially for knives.

If you do want to use the finer 4000 grade Japanese stone after the original stone, you need to be sure that you keep the same angle.
There is a video here which demonstrates using both wheels with very good results. It is using a T8 machine but the idea is the same for the T4.

It may help you to decide if you want buy the SJ-200 stone.

Can I ask which country you are in?

Knife Sharpening / Re: stone with tormek t4
July 04, 2023, 08:03:31 PM
Hello sfeuxy,
This may be stupid question but...
You don't mention it in your post but are you using the honing wheel with the honing compound to remove the burr fully after grinding on the stone?

This is equally important as the grinding step.
You say "so that my knives are perfect"
How are you measuring the sharpness you want/need?

By the way, the SJ200 stone is available here in France for 198 euros delivery included.

Thanks for the replies.
I am a professional craftsman and used to making/creating things with lots of measuring etc. No worries.. ;)

Me and Maths divorced along time ago. Just after I was introduced to calculus when at the time my main interest was fashioning things out of wood  ;D

Using the calcapp for my chisels and planes was excellent - simple and quick after a little working out. Knives, I am working on!
Thanks again,
Anyone have any idea if or when the new Tormek knife jig will be available to buy?

Just for Perra.. Are you making your jig for sale to others??
It does seem just too complicated for me to make.
It would be useful for me (and maybe for others) to know.
Not sure yet if I really need to get one for myself. I only really use the Tormek for my own tools and knives and for some of my neighbours' knives. I am still getting to grips with trying to use the Calcapp from cbwx34. I am not sure I have it all worked out but it seems pretty straightforward.
In general, I am someone who finds it a lot easier to learn from a demo than a book! My brain just glazes over with all the maths based methods some people here use.
