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Messages - Dan

General Tormek Questions / Re: T8 Recommendations?
January 14, 2024, 11:45:53 AM
Quote from: cb200t on January 13, 2024, 05:23:11 AMOne irritation I experienced was flooding. When I was sharpening the hand plane blades, I set the SE-77 stops up to allow the plane blade to overhang the inside edge such that 1/4" of blade material was still on the grinding wheel. This allowed water to drip onto the top of the machine, but it doesn't seem to be returning to the water tray. Rather, it was falling onto my workbench and running onto the floor. I tried propping the opposite side up 1/4", but this made no difference. The water tray was in the fully seated position. Is this normal? What have others done to avoid this?

Initially, I was skeptical that the rotating base was really necessary. After lifting the machine around to sharpen 8 chisels and a plane blade, I am no longer skeptical. In fact, I went so far as to make my own rotating base just to get through the sharpening session and then ordered the base this evening.

For the water problem, a simple (and cheap!) solution I found was a plastic gardening tray underneath the Tormek. This cost me 6 euros and is extremely effective at keeping any water spillage off the support/bench.
photo here

Tormek do propose a rubber mat for this purpose, of course.

P.S. I just put my machine stand on wheels and pull it out in use. This means going round the other side to hone, of course but is an alternative to a rotating base  ;D
I did think having the Tormek sitting on a pull out drawer mechanism would be a great idea with drawers underneath for Tormek stuff but in the end this was simplest for me.
Yes Dutchman, more or less exact ;D
Just a little correction or two:
Hello Niquedouille,
Prices are good at Marcin, delivery to France included.
Here for example, the T8 model for less than 700 euros
I don't have any relations with them but it seems that they are a reliable company.
Personally, I bought my T8 (which was a special offer) on Dieter Schmidt's website in Germany.
I am very happy with my purchase.
I use the standard SG-250 stone with very good results on my chisels, planer blades and kitchen knives. I find it quite quick for chisels.
If I want to repair damaged parts, it's done quickly, carefully (with frequent dipping in a little water to avoid overheating it) on a small, inexpensive bench grinder then I use the Tormek for a good finish .
It's true that the Tormek is not the tool for removing material quickly.
I can't comment on long planer blades but if it's a very hard steel, a diamond wheel may be more be added later??
 :)  ;D
Bonjour Niquedouille,
il y a des bons prix chez Marcin, livraison en France compris.
ici par exemple, le modèle T8 à moins de 700 euros
Je n'ai pas des liens avec eu mais il semble qu'ils sont une boite fiable.
Perso, j'ai acheté mon T8 (qui était en promo) sur le site de Dieter Schmidt en Allemagne.
Je suis largement très content de mon achat.
J'utilise la pierre standard SG-250 avec les très bons résultats sur mes ciseaux, lames de rabots et couteaux de cuisine. Je le trouve assez rapide pour les ciseaux.
Si je veux redresser les parties endommagées, c'est vite fait, doucement (avec un trompe fréquent dans un peu d'eau pour éviter de le surchauffer) sur un petit touret à mouler pas cher puis je passe à la Tormek pour une bonne finition.

C'est vrai que la Tormek n'est pas l'outil pour enlever la matière rapidement.

Je ne peux pas faire commentaire sur les lames longues de raboteuse mais s'il s'agit d'un acier très dur, un meule diamante peut être plus utile...à ajouter plus tard??


General Tormek Questions / Re: New MB-102 Multibase
October 06, 2023, 10:16:57 PM
Just for info for anyone interested...
I have found the MB-102 available soon online here in Europe for 89 euros. Very good price for a FVB and extra functionality for those who may need it.
Knife Sharpening / Re: Honing knives on T8 Black
October 01, 2023, 11:47:37 AM
Well done. It makes such a difference for knife sharpening, I never use the Tormek honing side for knives now. It is so convenient, quick and accurate to just set the distance to the grinding wheel and the honing wheel using Calcapp.

I did consider making a wheel too but really the price for a quality ready made wheel from Shleifjunkies was excellent (as was the service too) compared to doing it all myself. I did, of course, have to fashion a suitable support for the USB and that was enough work already.

Be aware that the stone will stay wet for some time (as Ken says) so you need to make sure that the temperature in your shed will remain above freezing!! Not sure if it is heated or not but the tone may crack if the temperature gets too low.
Quote from: cbwx34 on September 14, 2023, 07:02:52 PM

Well, that was easy...

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Well done! A great simple idea that works well and pretty cheap too. One of those 'Why didn't anyone think ot this previously' ideas  ;D  ;D
Well, in that case the Shleifjunkies FVB is a good option.

Unless.... you also have a diamond wheel in which case the new Tormek MB-102 may be more useful and possibly cheaper.

If you are catching on the the second stop on the jig (number 1) then you can only buy (or make) a FVB or remove the second stop on the KJ-45 jig but this is probably not a good idea. You may want to to use it one day!
Yes the FVB from schleifjunkies looks good. I bought another item from them and the service was very good.
Out if interest, here is a photo of my homemade FVB

on the machine

with support inserted

use with knife

There is something nice about making your own but to be honest I didn't really save money doing mine, I just enjoy making things.

There is also a swedish made version available but I can't find the link at the moment.
If I were to buy one now then the new Tormek MB-102 may well be cheaper. I have just seen one online for preorder in the UK for £90.

I imagine it will be for sale about 80 euros from Marcin in Belgium sometime soon.


Which is the part of the jig that is catching in the support bar? 1 or 2?

this has been a problem described here quite a few times previously. The solution that most people choose to get round this is to use a Front Vertical Base (FVB) or if it is the locking screw (number 2 in the photo) causing the problem you can chnage this for a small grub screw with Allen head  - M6 I believe.
The FVB is available from a few places. Here for example
FVB from Germany others are available.

The new Tormek jig MB-102 should also help as it can be used as a simple FVB.
See this recent thread
New MB-102 jig
I have yet to see this new jig for sale in the EU but it should be available soon.
Marcin in Belgium has very good prices


General Tormek Questions / Re: New MB-102 Multibase
September 05, 2023, 11:35:19 PM
well, if that is really the price, it is really more or less the same as the MB100 jig...
General Tormek Questions / Re: New MB-102 Multibase
September 05, 2023, 08:14:35 PM
Quote from: GeoBoy on September 05, 2023, 04:58:32 PMI have been looking at purchasing 2 MB-100's to get FVB, but now 1 MB-102 will do it. I feel a Christmas present is in my future.
I'm still waiting to see any prices for the new jig but if you only want an FVB and have no diamond wheels like me (i.e. no need to grind on side of wheel) then I imagine it will be cheaper just to get an FVB from Shleifjunkies or one of the other makers.
Of course, if one has diamond wheels this jig could be pretty useful. Let's see what the cost is...
Did you buy this SE-77 new? if so, it is missing one tightening knob and will not work correctly without it....
Quote from: dalpets on August 31, 2023, 05:18:19 PMI also notice in the Tormek promotional video entitled 'Tormek T-4 sharpening system: Getting Started with Alan Holtham' (youtube) that @ 1.09 mins the grinding stone is rotating in a clockwise direction but @ 3:26 mins the rotation is anti-clockwise??
This is not the case if you look carefully. At 3m29s, the view is from behind the machine. See where the water trough is in relation to the wheel.

All tormek machines only rotate in one direction.
it appears that the jig is correct but it is just missing one tightening knob.

You have set the chisel at the wrong side of the jig. The arrow shows you where the chisel is supposed to go. The end is square for the side of the chisel or plane blade.
See this picture as an example

Here is the PDF version of the instructions from Tormek on how to use the jig, if you have not read them already.
SE-77 Instructions
I am not sure why you think it is a problem to grind toward the chisel bevel?? It is intended to grind in this direction. Again see manual or various videos if you prefer.
Like this
SE-77 quick video
or this see the first minute of this video
or this older one which shows the older SE-76 jig but the main idea is exactly the same. SE-76 video

Of course, if you really want to grind away from the bevel then nothing is stopping you from using the horizontal support instead and just setting the chisel in the opposite way.. i will try to do a photo. See if this shows OK

hope that helps,