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Messages - SharpenADullWitt


In answer to part of your questions, I do not think this would be specifically a reason to go out and buy the T4, but I do think if one had already bought it (for portability purchases), then one would already have the other shaft, water tray, etc. to try.
I view this as a way to expand stone use, and for special projects (like the cleavers which has been mentioned).

Also, what do you consider "about the same"?  Is 1cm about the same?
I brought this up before and was shot down, by the size issue.

So let me go at this from another perspective......
While the duty cycle isn't the same on the T4's motor, does it have the same power as the T7's?  If the same power, where one is not going to easily burn it up, or do this all the time (consider even a lighter duty cycle), then couldn't one replace the T4's shaft, with the T7's shaft and swap the stone over?  (my understanding is they are the same diameter)
I couldn't find the link, and it appears some posts have been moved.  Wondering if some have been removed (know of one other that I expected to).
There was one party to run one through the dishwasher, but since the post is gone, all I can say I remember for sure was they were surprised at the results and other posters were surprised the guys wife hadn't neutered him.

Yes/No, it depends on the user.
I like the wider lip, but for as often as I would use the larger add on, I could just put a towel down in the same location on the bench.  When I gave my father the old chipped stone and non quick release shaft, I did upgrade so I could also give him a water trough.  (his original idea was to make a manually powered version, using an old sewing treddle)
I also had some fun money so it didn't feel like it was costing me anything (no guilt factor).
The biggest competitor Ebay had for a long time was Yahoo auctions.  In the USA at least, they closed that a LONG time ago (my initial understanding was it was still going in some countries after the USA one stopped).  No idea if it exists anywhere now.
There have been others, but none anywhere close, and the one getting the ad's, they make money by charging for each bid.
Ebay changed from when I first bought a 387 math coprocessor in 96, where there were more individual sellers, to where it is used more by companies, and they had more payment options. (paypal wasn't forced, US postal money orders were what I used, and it paid off the time one said they didn't get it, and the Postal inspectors knocked on their door with proof)

That was one reason I choose waterstones over oilstones.  They are just softer enough that flattening is less work and I don't let them get to the point of bad.  (probably the bigger part of it)
Still use them for light touch ups as they are in a different area of the house then the Tormek.  My view is keep some of that stuff with other stuff.  We do the same with steels and our kitchen blocks don't we?
I want to be clear, WHICH wheel?  (the honing one, the stone, or the drive wheel)
Define hard?  (lots of potholes, mountain offroad, etc)
What is going to be around the Tormek?  It isn't just the Tormek falling over you would have to worry about, it might be stuff falling into the Tormek (assuming some kind of move).

You have a lot more experience transporting it then most of us, so I thought I would throw out these thoughts in case you missed them.
I would be partial to having it in a wooden box, that one could shove some cloth towels/rags/bubble wrap, etc. in.
Found out about the name not showing up, when I clicked on the original posters moniker.  (wondering if they have checked in and if they will update)
Didn't realize not displaying it is a setting. ???
General Tormek Questions / Re: Adopt a grinding buddy
January 05, 2016, 07:55:01 AM
Had a few talks about that kind of stuff and as an example, the Clint Eastwood movie, Gran Torino.  There are always things that one is interested in, that their family will not be, I would much rather see it go to someone who will, then be set aside for years, because it was x's, so it deteriorates.

If one wants to set something aside, sell the stuff and let the money sit and grow.  It will be more help later, then something your going to get less for, because it costs so much to fix.
Jeff, and others in the future......

I understand the use of screen names in making things clear and agree with that thought.  However one RULE of this forum, is you have to use your real name when registering and it shows up in their profile.  Doesn't help, if there are a bunch of names and you don't know who is who, but there is a way to figure it out at least.
Quote from: paulem on January 01, 2016, 10:06:09 PM
I have treated it as a right hand thread nut as shown by the illustration in the instructions so that it has to be turned clockwise for removal of the nut. 

NO, right hand threads are normal threads, and COUNTER clockwise.

See this:

Left hand threads are clockwise removal.
Quote from: Ken S on January 01, 2016, 09:59:41 PM
Good question, paulem. Any thoughts, forum?

Thoughts, yes.
Why are you resurrecting a thread from 2011?  What brought this on now?
Thought about starting a new thread with a link to this one, instead?
You seemed to do that yesterday, more then once.  You commented to someones 2013 thread, with no link so others didn't have a clue, WTH. ???
Quote from: grepper on December 28, 2015, 05:28:45 AM
Well..., huh.  Thanks Herman.  Good info.  I had no idea that some stainless steel could be nonmagnetic.  I've never run across that.  Interesting.

Nonmagnetic stainless is used quite a bit in the medical field/hospitals.  You wouldn't want magnetic stainless steel around any MRI machines. :o
I would be interested in seeing how they use a CBN wheel, and get multiple grits out of it. (current tech, the stone wins in that regard)

But the stand question, made me think of an old post, AND of getting old or having health issues: