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Messages - cbwx34

Quote from: Sharpski on June 01, 2024, 01:21:18 AMThanks! Does anyone have a recommendation on a shaft extension to put these wheels on the honing side, similar to what Vadim used?

The only one that comes to mind is
Quote from: ST on June 01, 2024, 02:14:35 PMHello, thanks for your answere. The knife is 15 degrees on one side, the knife it's self has 2 sides.

I'm still practicing on a cheap knife :-)

If you're using the AngleMaster, then you'll set it at 15 deg. (if the blade tapers from spine to edge, maybe a bit higher), and measure from the side of the knife, as shown in the instructions.

It'll be worth it to get the new KS-123 for setting angles... makes the process on knives easier than the AngleMaster.  Or look into the calcualtor app, (link in my signature.)
Quote from: ST on June 01, 2024, 10:25:08 AMHello everyone, I would like your advice for a beginner. Recently I bought a T8, I want to sharpen my knives. How many degrees do I need to set with the angle adjustment. For example, I want to sharpen a Japanese knife at an angle of 15 degrees. How many degrees should I set 15, per side or 7.5 degrees per side. Thanks in advance for the comments.

You probably didn't pick the best knife to ask this.  "Japanese knife" come in a wide variety.  Also may not be the best knife to learn on.  Also you need to define "at an angle of 15 degrees".  Total or per side?

The AngleMaster measures the angle per side, on a standard knife where you measure from the side of the blade, as shown in the instructions.  It doesn't account for the blade taper from spine to edge.  If it's a single bevel knife though, you could be measuring the total angle, and blade taper doesn't matter.

The new KS-123 jig always shows the "degree per side" (dps) angle, and gives the angle of the edge, regardless of blade taper.

So short answer, more information is needed.

p.s.  It also helps to mark the edge with a Sharpie, especially while learning, to make sure you're setting things up correctly, and removing metal where you want to.

Quote from: Stonepecker on May 31, 2024, 06:25:05 PMHi all - great to be here!

I've got a T4 with an SVS-38 short tool jig.
After a first go at it, I'm wondering how short ist short, and how long is too long. My chisels are about 13cm long. Is that too long? Couldn't find a clear answer in the original handbook, neither here:

Thanks for some ideas.

The instruction booklet says it has a minimum length of 45mm.  In theory, I'm not sure there's a "too long" answer, since you could just clamp it near the edge, regardless of length?  As long as it didn't exceed the 38mm max width.

I'm just guessing here, since I don't have one.
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 31, 2024, 04:34:03 PM
Quote from: Swemek on May 31, 2024, 04:19:26 PMThanks, my frustration was channeled that way. And it does offer repeatability, but 15.5 degrees per side might be 15 degrees.

You could always check it against a calculator app, but if you're within 1/2 a degree making that from, I'm guessing pictures? Hats off.  I wouldn't worry about it.

(That level of accuracy is a bit overhyped anyway.)
Tormek T-1 and T-2 / Re: T1 Help needed
May 31, 2024, 02:26:08 PM
Quote from: Berghutze on May 31, 2024, 02:11:21 PMThank you for your answers. Just to be on the safe side: I grind one side of the knife until I have a burr on the other side? Only then do I grind the other side?

Basically, yes.  If you're removing a lot of metal, you may want to occasionally switch sides prior to raising a burr... just to make sure you don't over-sharpen one side and inadvertently move the edge off center.  But what you posted will work.
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 31, 2024, 02:15:35 PM
Quote from: Swemek on May 31, 2024, 11:14:23 AMNo actually the whole sliding plastic thing with a knob and the spring.

I was so frustrated yesterday so i did some reverse engineering and build the part myself. It works, the only thing missing is the spring.

Of course i have no way to check how reliable it is but i get perfect fit when checking with the old angle meter.

Some pics:

Yikes.  Yeah I guess that wasn't accidentally left in the box.  ;)

Looks like you came up with a good temporary solution.  Congrats on the temporary solve!  :)
Tormek T-1 and T-2 / Re: T1 Help needed
May 31, 2024, 01:47:41 PM
Quote from: Berghutze on May 31, 2024, 12:22:04 PMHello, I have bought a T-1. Unfortunately, I'm not getting good results with it. I have a professionally sharpened knife that is no longer sharp. The grinding angle was 20 degrees. As indicated in the enclosed operating instructions, I set the T-1 to ~17.5 degrees and pressed the blade slightly downwards in the guide (with the machine running). As shown in the video, I moved one side of the blade back and forth several times with light pressure. This should be done until a burr appears on the opposite side of the blade; then the other side of the blade should be processed in the same way. My problem: There is no burr and the sharpening result is mediocre at best. Any thoughts?
Thank you

My first thought is, since you're putting a new angle on the blade, you probably haven't reached all the way to the edge yet.  It can take a while.

Try marking the bevel with a Sharpie, make a few passes on the T-1, and see where metal (Sharpie) is being removed, and if you've reached the edge yet.
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 31, 2024, 04:11:42 AM
Quote from: tcsharpen on May 31, 2024, 04:04:35 AM
Quote from: cbwx34 on May 31, 2024, 03:58:28 AM
Quote from: tcsharpen on May 31, 2024, 03:46:47 AM
Quote from: cbwx34 on May 30, 2024, 10:16:06 PM(In fact, I'm not sure the spring is needed all that much.)

It may not be entirely needed, but I like that it is there.  It pulls the angled section into the blade.

I don't disagree.

What I did prior to answering earlier was tighten the "Knob for locking Protrusion" enough so that the spring didn't have any affect, and found that I could manipulate the jig quite well without the spring's influence.  But it is a convenient feature.

Oh yes, totally agree with this.  Once locked in place the spring has zero impact.

Not quite what I meant... I just tightened it enough to negate the spring, I could still slide protrusion piece back and forth to set the distance, without the spring doing anything... then tightened it down.
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 31, 2024, 03:58:28 AM
Quote from: tcsharpen on May 31, 2024, 03:46:47 AM
Quote from: cbwx34 on May 30, 2024, 10:16:06 PM(In fact, I'm not sure the spring is needed all that much.)

It may not be entirely needed, but I like that it is there.  It pulls the angled section into the blade.

I don't disagree.

What I did prior to answering earlier was tighten the "Knob for locking Protrusion" enough so that the spring didn't have any affect, and found that I could manipulate the jig quite well without the spring's influence.  But it is a convenient feature.
Tormek T-1 and T-2 / Re: revisiting a firestorm
May 31, 2024, 03:13:37 AM
Quote from: Ken S on May 28, 2024, 03:16:30 PMI inadvertantly caused a firestorm when I posted my idea that I thought a knife only side job sharpener might be better served with a T2 instead of a T4 or T8 as his main machine. Without any evil intentions, I apparently dishonored a sacred cow.

I respect the critical replies. They are based on good, solid Tormek experience. However; I don't always agree with them. A primary criticism was that the T2 can only sharpen kitchen knives. (To be fair, as a specialty machine, it is specifically designed for chefs to maintain their knives.) As an old hand with sharpening chisels and plane irons going back to oilstones, fine tooth mill files, and sandpaper on glass, I am quite sure I could sharpen chisels and plane irons with my T2. I freely admit that the T2 is no match for a T4 or T8 with these tools. How often do chefs sharpen woodworking tools?

Most youtube videos show a knife being thoroughly abused before being sharpened. Although the T2 survives this cruel and unusual punishment, how often do we see a good chef actually abuse his knives, the tools of his trade, like this? Yes, the T2 is really designed for knives to be regularly maintained. Why would a top professional want it otherwise?

"Only knives"? Not so. The two Tormek videos demonstrate sharpening other tools which are part of every kitchen such as food processor blades and rotary blades. Especially with food processor blades, I don't know of any other jig controlled method of sharpening these.

The more recent video (Johan and Hugo) includes some things not in the first video. The wheels used originally used were DWF, as opposed to the more recent DF with side diamonds. I reduced a bolster with my DWF, although the newer DF does this more conveniently using the side of the wheel. The newer video also shows some user modifications to expand the range of the jig.

I believe through field use the T2 is evolving into an even more useful machine. I leave it to the reader to decide if he wants to include it in his sharpening kit.


When I read this post, I'm left with the impression that all you would sharpen is kitchen knives and tools.  You could probably be successful in this limited field as a "side job sharpener".  But if you expand the field to say, sharpening at at a farmer's market, or running a full knife sharpening service, you'd be hard pressed, to run even a part time business with a T-2.  So maybe a better definition is in order.  I'll repeat the same quote I made last time...

Quote from: Stickan on September 28, 2017, 09:35:10 AM...
For a sharpening business, we don't recommend the T-2.
A T-8 with the jig system with SVM-00/45/140 can sharpen way more models of knifes. A knife sharpened and honed with the leather wheel gives a sharper knife than most common new knifes.

This is why we recommend the T-2 to restaurants and chefs, who wanted a fast and reliable machine, that gives them sharp knifes 24/7 in the kitchen.

The T-2 is designed for a specific set of knives... those found in the kitchen.  Even in this group, it struggled with some designs, as I detailed in this thread:  T2 Initial Review, although I'm aware that the guide has been updated since I made that post, so it may be more accommodating.

tgbto is correct that bevel thickness is influenced by blade thickness, taper, etc.  But again on kitchen knives, as I brought up in this thread:  Evenness of bevel width with T1/T2 the result will be negligible on most kitchen knives, since they're thinner, have taper from heel to tip, etc. that offset this.  Again, the field is kitchen knives.

Also keep in mind that the the T-2 doesn't handle blade taper from spine to edge well (just like the AngleMaster), and doesn't handle "odd" shaped knives where, for example the handle or bolster gets in the way... something I can easily adjust to on a T-4 or T-8, so again we're back to a limited number of knives.

So, my .02 the T-2 could be a "main machine" if the sharpening was mainly limited to light duty of primarily kitchen style knives, and a few associated tools that were shown in the recent T2 "202" video, (and also the Round Blade attachment).  Or very light duty where you might get a variety of knives, but have the time to individually address the issues that each knife presents.  (And you'd probably need to develop the skill to freehand sharpen certain knives.)

But I believe that if a person is looking for their first machine to sharpen knives, and/or other items, unless their need/desire meets this pretty limited criteria, they'd be better served investing in the more versatile models.
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 30, 2024, 10:16:06 PM
Quote from: Swemek on May 30, 2024, 09:08:50 PMThis was a disappointment. After biting the bullet and getting MB-102, a second USB and the KS-123, which was out of stock in almost every shop here in Sweden, only to find out that the angle meter was delivered without the "retractable part".

Does this render the meter useless, or can I use it somehow?

Is the "retractable part" the spring?  (Can't tell for sure on the diagram.) Anyway, I'd let Tormek support know right away... to get a replacement, and also let them know if it's a production issue.  (Might check the box closely and see if it's in there.)

If it is the spring, I'd say yes, in the interim you can still use it, just slide it forward with with your thumb/finger.  Once you set the "protrusion" it's not needed anyway.  (In fact, I'm not sure the spring is needed all that much.)
Knife Sharpening / Re: New angle jig KS-123
May 29, 2024, 03:07:36 PM
Quote from: tgbto on May 29, 2024, 11:04:33 AMI've just watched the video where Tormek demonstrate the use of the KS-123.

I don't know yet if I'm going to buy one, because I feel the calculator method serves me so well. Still it is quite appealing to dispense with measurements, especially the wheel diameter one. All in all, if I didn't have my vernier calipers already, the KS-123 would be the obvious choice. It is not very expensive.
I don't find it's necessary to measure the wheel diameter as accurately as once claimed.  A simple ruler will suffice, and only needs to be updated periodically.  I mark the measurement on the wheel with a Sharpie, and don't bother checking it again until the marking is worn off.
A few comments on the video :
- I would have loved to have a vernier on the jig itself. Not necessarily to chase one tenth of a degree, but rather to improve the overall precision. Maybe they could just add a few markings on the composite needle plate that would help with centering on degrees or half degrees marks.
I think the markings are adequate... it's pretty easy to judge "half degrees" if wanted.  But really not necessary for its intended purpose.
- It's quite funny to see them still struggling with their explanation that earlier methods (AngleMaster, uncontrolled honing, ...) were "not complex, but more complex" but really you should buy the KS-123 (and the MB-102).
Tormek has always "struggled" denied that the AngleMaster didn't work properly on knives with a taper... so probably the reason they struggle now?
- Couldn't the KS-123 also be used in combination with the sharpie trick to measure the edge angle of an unknown knife ?
Yes, once you do the "sharpie trick" just set the Projection Distance (or "protrusion" as Tormek calls it) on the KS-123, "snap" it on the USB, set it on the wheel per instructions, and it will tell you the angle.
- The fact that the KS-123 can be used with the SVM-00 assumes that it is easy to center the blade with respect to the plane of symmetry of the SVM-00. Spoiler alert: it is not. so using it the way it is demonstrated with a sloyd knife is a recipe for disaster: one will most certainly alter the edge angle of the knife and make it assymetrical. If you want to use the KS-123 with the SVM-00, you should take the time to center the blade first, with careful and repeated use of the sharpie trick. If it were easy, it would be demonstrated by Wolfgang in his video about the SVM-00. On the contrary, Wolfgang explains how to not center it.
Obviously depends on the knife, but I've used the SVM-00 a bit (more when I used a Wicked Edge sharpener for some reason), and didn't think it was that difficult to set up a knife... does take a bit of practice though.

Of course, some of the above depends on your methodology... if "decimal point" accuracy is important, I think a calculator will still be the preferred way to set things up, as well as more accurate measurements.

Quote from: tgbto on May 29, 2024, 02:04:02 PMDutchman, what side piece are you referring to ?

I'm guessing the MB-100 portion where you sharpen on the side of the wheel.
Quote from: tgbto on May 29, 2024, 02:01:08 PMThe particles seem quite coarse. So it looks more like the edge is somehow getting microchipped away. It would be interesting if you could somehow get a microscope shot of the edge and the particles.

Can't really do microscope pics... mainly just wanted to show the wheel does abrade away ceramic.  (In reality, doesn't the wheel also "microchip" steel to an extent?  You're left with a similar "dust" in the water.)  I can tell you that running a fingernail down the edge is pretty smooth.
Quote from: guitar_edg on May 28, 2024, 09:30:32 PMHi All,

When sharpening chisels, and knives, how much pressure should I apply to the item being sharpened.  I am not using a lot of pressure, but from the videos I can't tell.



(This does not apply to Diamond wheels.)