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CW-220 Composite Honing Wheel, thei missing questions

Started by Ken S, October 12, 2020, 03:26:30 PM

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Ken S


Please do not hesitate to post your thoughts, especially if they happen to disagree with mine. I am certainly no expert, and am definitely not offended.

You know your sharpening needs better than I do. You should do what you want. The SB-250 is specifically designed for hss tools, like turning tools. Although the SG-250 is designed for high carbon tools like knives, I know a real deal Tormek knife expert who uses the SB for knives. The composite honing wheel is very new, although I see no reason why it would not work for you.

I am concerned about your comments regarding your thoughts about the difficulties using the leather honing wheel with honing compound. They have served Tormek users well for many years. The recurring cost of Tormek honing compound on an ongoing basis is minimal. Mastering the leather honing wheel is a traditional Tormek skill. It is also one which you can sidestep. You can always purchase the leather honing wheel later if you wish.

The choice is yours. I offer only what has worked for me.



I understand what you're saying. Not sure you understand what I'm saying.  (No need for your concerns about my comments regarding standard honing wheel, don't believe)  I said, "I both atypical number of ways and I have not use normal honing wheel", attempting an indication my expressed opinion in disagreement with only one statement of yours only valid in my situation (or one similar).  Over course of reading probably thousands of your posts here, that single sentence of yours only thing I recall disagreeing with, yet in this case did so too most extreme extent possible. This cause I T newbie and have use standard stone and composite honing wheel exclusively, with good results (300 or less unless I screw up - see my other few posts so far;  point is, I simply not want other beginners out rule notion of using purely composite honing wheel, due to your statement... base on my situation, which certainly not the norm in lotta ways, I find it work amazing, and obviously (to me) seemed would be much easier / cheaper / less cleanup / better over alternative tried and true honing wheel so that what I selected/ use from beginning.  Having clarified, very glad you said didn't offend as never intend to.  Always have prefer environment where open disagreement can be discuss cordially, that how I prefer learn and help others learn. But I never much mind being wrong and being told this... again atypical to at least some extent. Funny you mention SB wheel for knives, considering replacing standard wheel with that, sound like it effective with less pressure. No, I not think I switch standard honing wheel in future, for exact same reasons I started with composite.... and wouldn't sell it for twice paid, even though it wobble little bit. Everybody different, I definitely different. I wrong often and when I do, you hear me say when I realize this... wish more people that way. Now for sake of clarity... I not say KenS wrong, I just wholeheartedly disagreeable with the statement.  I think some beginners could be better (and maybe even would be better)  served with the composite wheel and merely wanted encourage them try it outright like I previously indicated I did... very cool.  Now, if anyone want read between the lines with post, that would be incorrect. I don't mind saying precisely what I mean and prefer others do the same. That said, I have read here possibly couple dozen posts here where poster factually incorrect (wrong) yet adamant they're not and have not say a thing.  No point starting a probable argument to quickly bow out of, only ensuring they continue to be adamantly wrong. In this case, however, I immediately feel I completely disagree and merely want express humble newbie opinion, hoping it help somebody like me, preparing to shell out some serious coin. Obviously two different things to a number of us. Others probably quit reading some time ago. Ken, to me you are an expert,  light years ahead. Life a full contact sport and things rarely simple. Except for when we're teenagers and know everything.