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Grindstone won't come off

Started by Rem, October 15, 2016, 10:14:08 PM

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Rex, you old dog, you.   Long time, no whine. 

Yeah, well, I do what I can, which generally ain't much.   I always seem to get the shaft, so it was easy to remove this one. 

It's always good to hear from you.  Keep that sled snow side down.  Don't take any wooden bones.   And always put your best paw forward.   R   ???



Apparently Lumis is following this forum!  I was contacted, and asked to forward this personally signed message to you from a member of their team.

So, doing my due diligence, here follows the message:

Bow wow!  ARF!  Arff!!!


Barking of a dog is described in English as woof, woof or ruff, ruff or arf, arf.
Other nations/cultures hear dog's barking differently:  ;)

In Czech, my language - haf, haf
Dutch - blaf, blaf; kef, kef
French - waouh, waouh; ouah, ouah; ouaf, ouaf
German - wuff, wuff; wau wau
Hebrew - hav, hav; hau, hau
Russian - гав-гав (gav-gav); ряв-ряв (ryaf-ryaf angry dogs)
Spanish - guau-guau; gua-gua; jau-jau
Swedish - voff; vov vov; bjäbb bjäbb



I had no idea what an academically oriented and linguistically competent forum I had signed on to.  I speak a little French Canadian husky and that's it.  I do appreciate Loomis extending the paw (print) of friendship.  If they can get my new shaft kit up here within two weeks, I'll be a happy camper.  IF not, well .... I guess one way or another, I'll be getting the shaft. 

You boys be careful out there, and keep your bevel to the grindstone.   R   ;) ;)


Update for the ongoing saga of getting stuff to Rem of the North.   Loomis just phoned ... the package is in Edmonton with no identification other than my name.  Apparently the waybill info and sender info "fell off" of the package.   How does that happen?   So now he's gotta phone Big Bear Tools and talk to Dave and get it going again.  Delivery was supposed to be tomorrow ....  not now. 

AND ... just as a bonus .....  Big Bear Tools charged me for the shaft.  I emailed them and reminded them that it was supposed to be a warranty replacement.  Looks like they can't quite figure out how to refund my VISA.   Oh well, I'm used to this nonsense.   It will all get worked out some day. 

Things just don't tend to happen efficiently to us northern folk.    Send money, food or beer.    R   :P


After my new shaft being lost in Edmonton for a while, I finally got an email this morning indicating that it had arrived in Whitehorse and was out for delivery.  That was about 11:30 this morning.  It is now 5:40 pm.  No sign of it. 

So I guess I'll go by Loomis in the morning and see if I can sort things out. 

I can promise you one thing .... I will get the shaft !!!!   R

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: Rem on October 16, 2016, 02:29:06 AM
Right now, I'm thinking that the shaft will have to come out and hopefully slide the wheel off the other end.

I would try that. Once you get it on the bench you'll be able to get the EzyLock nut off.

I've had mine seize up like that, but a pair of channel locks solved the problem.
Origin: Big Bang


Interesting to note that you have experienced the same thing, Herman.  I don't feel like quite as big a dufus now.  Thanks.

I tried the channel locks, but I had to secure the shaft with a pipe wrench before the nut would come off.  It was smartly seized.   Anyway, all done and a new shaft assembly is ...........   somewhere.   Supposedly coming to me   ......   somewhere.   I'm sure it will arrive ........  someday.    Just ain't no need to get in a hurry about stuff getting up here.   It will just make you cranky.   But I'm not cranky ... DAMMIT  !!!!!!!    R   ;)

Ken S

I think we have not resolved the issue. At this point, I am not sure whether we have an issue wuth the EZYlock itself, a deficiency in understand and/or communication, or a combination of all of the above.

My initial post in this topic was intended as suggestions to stimulate conversation, and, hopefully, a solution. For the record, I think the EZYlock is one of Tormek's most innovative advances. If it needs a little bump, either mechanically or in technique or communication, I think the effort is worthwhile.



I am pleased .... nay, ecstatic ....  to announce that this morning, at approximately 11:07 am Pacific time, my new shaft assembly was delivered to my wife's shop in downtown Whitehorse.  A scant 9 days after the order was placed ..... or was it 10 ??  Anyway, it would appear that is has landed finally ....  although I have yet to inspect said package.  I will receive it late this afternoon, after my wife's arrival home. 

If all is well at that point, then this shall be my last and final post regarding this particular transportation issue.  I shall play my banjo for the rest of the day.   I will not be using LOOMIS in the future if any other mode of transportation is available, such as horseback, muleback, rabbitback or turtleback.   

Fins to the bone.   R     ::)


Just for clarity .....



Quote from: Rem on October 27, 2016, 02:58:43 PM
Just for clarity .....


Edited how it should have been, LOL.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)



Quote from: playero on October 27, 2018, 06:21:41 PM
having the same problem here

playero,  I read thru this thread... kinda looks like the solution (assuming everything else is being done right) is to either pull the shaft out of the machine, and see if you can get the grindstone off,  and/or contact Tormek support.  Doesn't look like the reason "why" was ever discovered.

Maybe Tormek, having received the "bad" shaft from the earlier posts, has a reason and solution.  (If they do, please share).

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My first wheel was stuck to the shaft.  After I finally got it off, I found it was due to rust on the shaft.   This is one reason I upgraded to the stainless steel shaft.

If I remember correctly, I used a sharp tap from a dead blow hammer (with a plastic head) on the shaft's end.  The "shock" helped loosen it.  Do be gentle though.  It is easy to damage the shaft or break the stone. 

If the stone is at end of life, I recommend you get a new stone and shaft.  Easiest approach.

Kind regards,
Rich Colvin - a reference guide for sharpening

You are born weak & frail, and you die weak & frail.  What you do between those is up to you.