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Grindstone won't come off

Started by Rem, October 15, 2016, 10:14:08 PM

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If there is a problem with the shaft assembly, that is a warranty issue.  Hopefully you did not pay for a new one.


I did, g-man.  I ordered a kit today.   Couple reasons .......

1.  It takes forever to get stuff up here.  It will take two weeks for the kit to arrive from southern B. C., although it can be driven in 2.5 days, easy.   Hey, it's the Yukon.   Hard cheese (aka tough noogies).

2.  I have no idea if they will call this a warranty claim or not.  By the time it all gets figured out, I'll be too old to turn the machine on.   If they do, then they can reimburse me if they are inclined to do so.   

3.  Sometimes you just have to take the bull by the tail, and face the situation. 

It was a hundred bucks.  My wife will just have to put in a few more hours down at the shop.  She's ok with that .... or will be as soon as I tell her.    ;D ;D 8)    She's a pretty good old bear.   After 48 years, she's kinda used to me.    R


After making sure there is nothing sticky on it (glue from the bench, etc), I would make sure to send a note and some pictures to Tormek itself.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S

Tormek is aware of Rem's situation. I have every confidence that Tormek will resolve this issue honorably.

My position as moderator did not come with an instruction manual. I try to act in the best interest of our members, while also factoring in Tormek's best interests. Part of that is occasionally communicating with Stig to make sure he is aware of posts where I feel we need his input or help froom Tormek. Stig is very conscientious, however, he has an extremely busy travel schedule. He always responds to my emails.

We must keep in mind that we have two factors in Rem's situation:

First, we have an EZYlock which seized. While a rare occurrance, this has happened. I do not know why this happened. Hopefully we will eventually know the answer. As a career telephone repair technician, I know that some cases are "no trouble found" or "came clear while working". This does not mean there was/is no trouble, just that it cleared. The replacement shaft should resolve the immediate problem for Rem.

Second, we have logistics. I live in Columbus, Ohio, the fifteenth largest city in the US (pop 850,000). Affinity Tool, the US importer, could drive a part to my house in five hours. Two day regular delivery is standard. It is easy to forget the distance involved in the Yukon. Rem does not forget; it is everyday life.

I think Rem has done everything right. In addition to posting, he has communicated with Big Bear Tools, his dealer, who is also the Tormek agent. He has also contacted Tormek support in Sweden. As a mechanical guy, he has made an intelligent, good faith effort to unjam his shaft.

I especially appreciate Rem's attitude. While this should be a warranty issue, he has placed his priority on getting his new Tormek up and running again and ordered a replacement shaft. The cost issue will be resolved one way or another. First order of business is to get working again.

I have dealt personally with Big Bear Tools. I found the service excellent, and would gladly deal with them again. (With international duty and shipping it is not practical for me to deal regularly with them. That is no reflection on Big Bear.)

Even though Stig is on vacation this week, he answered my email. He also referred me to another officer at Tormek. I emailed him and he has replied. I have asked Rem to post how this situation is resolved, whether satisfactorally or unsatisfactorally. I have full faith that Tormek will stand by its product with solid service. I think service, good or bad, should be noted on the forum.

Stay tuned.



Thanks for all the support from everyone.   

I received an email response from Tormek this morning.  Basically, he made two comments:  he wanted to be sure I was turning the nut in the proper direction.  Understandably, this has likely been an issue in the past.  And two, he told me to remove the shaft in exactly the manner that I did yesterday.  I responded and informed him of my efforts, and that I had already ordered a new shaft replacement kit.   

I emailed the entire message thread to Ken just for documentation.

Thanks again for your concern.  I've got a feeling that this is just something that might happen on rare occasions.  But that's just speculation on my part.   Anyway, I've done all I can do, I think.  I'll wait for the new shaft to arrive and I'll hopefully get going again.   It all worked out, as I now have SNOW to shovel.   PSHAW !!!!!  The old guy just can't catch a break.  Maybe I should wake the wife up and get her started on the shovelling.   Or perhaps not.   That's it for now.   RR


Summarizing a flurry of emails this morning, Tormek (the BIG dogs) has authorized Big Bear Tools (Canadian BIG dogs) to send me the replacement kit + shipping at no charge to me.   I have heard from both of them this morning. 

Sweet.   Thanks to all, in particular Ken S., Tormek and Big Bear Tools.   

I am sending the shaft and lock nut that I removed to Big Bear Tools.   The Tormek contact said he would be down there soon and would pick it up from them.   They want to have a look at it, as I had hoped they would.

All is well.   I am very pleased with their response.  I could not have asked for or expected more.   Well, I guess the guy from Sweden could have flown up here and .......  OK, ok ......  that's maybe a bit over the top.    Thanks again.   I will update you with any late breaking news.    RR   ;D


I received my shipping notification and tracking info from Big Bear Tools.  It is coming up via Loomis Ground.  That is a little disappointing.  When my T8 came up the exact same way, they lost track of it for a couple days.   Let's hope they do a better job this time.  It could be here by Friday, but more likely Monday.   Unless it gets lost.  Expedited would have been much appreciated.

Having said that, if this turns out to be my biggest complaint, I'm still in good shape.  R



I just discovered why it takes so long to get deliveries up there in the frozen north!!! :D


I LOVE IT !!!!! Request permission to copy your picture and use it for personal, nefarious purposes.    That was great, thanks, g-man.   r-man

Ken S

Touché, Grepper!  Your wit is civil, but deadly; I love it!

Rem, I am very pleased with the happy resolution, although I share your minor grumble about the unexpedited shipping. Incidentally, "the Tormek contact" is the CEO.

Your experience reinforces my belief in the importance of registering one's Tormek. Equally, it reinforces my belief in involving Tormek support ( from the start. We on the forum can give you advice and moral support; Sweden can resolve the problem.




Have at it r-man.  :)  And... the more nefarious the better!


Ken, sometimes I just can help myself! :)


Don't go restraining yourself on my account ....  R    8)


That picture reminds me so much of a old saying we have....

It was sent Pony Express and I think their pony died.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S

Dear Mr. Rem,

On behalf of the entire Loomis Ground dog team, I would like to thank you for not returning the entire Tormek. Your kindness will make our entire three week trip much more pleasant.

Best wishes,
