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Query from a Brit on another forum in the UK

Started by Rob, October 12, 2016, 09:28:28 AM

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This just in on the UK woodworking forum I moderate...

LuptonM wrote:

Hi all,

Was feeling very flush last week. Whipped by wallet out and bought a "tormek" at an auction last week.

Only minor drawback is that t it appears to a retro drill powered antique.

Looks similar to this one: ... aEVftxM%3A

I don't have the original drill shaft accessory so though it would be interesting if I could somehow attach a motor to the thing.

The motor will need to be low RPM (output between 100-150 rpm) and high torque.

Problems are:

1) where do I get a suitable motor for a reasonable price? I am not too clued up on electrical motors. The motor need to be enough powerful to handle the friction of pressing the blades against the stone

2) once I have the motor how do I transfer the power to the tormek to get the best performance? I think tormeks use a wheel against a wheel but could pulleys be used for less slippage?

And my advice was...

Go to the Tormek forum ( Make your post and ask Ken S (the moderator). He will help you. Tormek closely monitor the forum and a chap called Stig (from Tormek) may be in touch to connect you with whoever may have parts. Brimarc is the UK distributor and they just replaced a part in my Tormek although it is a T7 and not as old as the one you're discussing. In the main, Tormek are good at solving technical problems like this and many of their machines are backwardly compatible so you've got a reasonable chance of success if you follow my advice. Ken S....nice bloke :-) We wont hold the fact he's American against him :-)

So there may be a post from this chap in the near future....interesting machine actually isn't it?  Was that the first ever model I wonder?
Best.    Rob.

Ken S


My first suggestion would be to contact support in Sweden (

I have not seen an original drill powered Tormek. The drive wheel, the part you replaced, is what causes the speed reduction from the motor to the grinding wheel. My advice would be to use another drill, if he still has or can get the bracket.

With a properly maintained rubber drive wheel, slippage should not be a problem.

This has the potential to be a very interesting Tormek for Tormek buffs, as well as a very workable tool. It may or may not be an inexpensive Tormek.

Would you please check the google link? I could not get it to open photos.

I am curious to know what support advises and how this project advances.



Such an old machine is valuable when it is complete but unfortunately this is not. The missing drive can be relatively easily replaced, but the question is whether the machine has some jigs. For a woodworker at least the Square edge jig is necessary.

Old Tormek grinders are without the USB and without the honing wheel! In my understanding they cannot be used to grind turning gouges.  ???



Thanks guys. I'm in the x Ray waiting room with my son. Will jump on this when I get home.
Best.    Rob.

Ken S


You may not be part of the EU, however, you and your family are still part of us. Our best wishes are with you and your family.



Hi all,

First timer to the Tormek forum.

I would be the original poster from the UKWorkshop forum.

I got the machine at a local auction for about £45. Looked like it might of been used once or twice so I thought it would be worth a punt.

I will get some pictures later this week or at the weekend but its a pretty solid unit.  I don't have any jigs for it but it looks like it will take the new tormek jigs as it as a long support bar rather than a short one.

I have tried a drill with a metal bar inserted and it does turn the wheel. However it does stop easily with a little pressure of a blade on the wheel. If someone is able to press the drill against the wheel there is no slippage but of course this requires another pair of hands and also will lead to the honing wheel becoming worn out.

I think the reason they chose a drill for the original tormek is that it has roughly the right amount of power (say 400-800 watts) and has a suitable rpm. This roughly equates to a 1/8 -1/4hp motor. It doesn't seem to be very easy to get a powerfulish motor with that many rpm.

Tormek do sell replacement motors but these are very expensive (something ridiculous like 199 euros) and was hoping to find an off the shelf solution (ie easy to replace if something breaks or something that can be scavenged from a low value item)

I had a look at pulleys yesterday, and for a 1400 rpm motor you would need a small pulley of 50mm and a large pulley of 250mm to get the motor down into the 200rpm range. A pulley of that size isn't really practical to attach to a tormek. I am not sure if gears could get a rpm of that motor down enough though.

Although more rpm is better, there will be a speed of which water just gets flicked everywhere. I read a review of a Jet tormek copy and the reviewer stated at 150rpm it started to get messy!

Anyway I will get some pictures and then hopefully some clever clogs will be able to figure it out!!!


Just to close the UK forum loop Luptom....I'll leave you in the capable hands of the Tormek group.  You'll not meet a more friendly and helpful group I can be quite certain of that.
Best.    Rob.


I'm not sure if there is one answer to your q.
First I wouldn't suspect your Tormek motor is in bad condition and need to be exchanged. If I understood it right.
The hole idea/ concept of the motor hanging and friction is to behave like that. I would take of the honing wheel and clean the inside of it and the rubber on the driving wheel, as well as the motor shaft.
Than continue with q. if it wouldn't help.

Pls. attach some pictures of the machine and parts.
Giving an advice is easy.
Accepting an advice is good.
Knowing which advice is worth adopting and which not, is a virtue.

Ken S

Marc (LuptoM), welcome to the forum.

You may have the senior Tormek. I suggest you go to and to the register tab on the left. You can register your Tormek. There is an option for older, pre-serial number models. Once you register, you can move to the handbook tab and download the latest edition of the handbook. I have it in ibooks on my ipad. It is a useful reference.

You should also contact  That gets you into Tormek support, your best source of information, especially for older Tormeks. Ask them if they can scan and email all or part of the original handbook. I don't know if this is possible; I would ask and save the email. In any case, support can help get you up and running.

A slipping grinding wheel is usually cured by just lightly sanding the rubber drive wheel. I suggest you wait until hearing back from support before doing this.

My prediction is that after a little advice from support you will get very satisfactory results with a good electric drill. If so, you will have the best deal going for a Tormek, and also have a good electric drill. Your Tormek will also reflect the inventor,  Torgny Jansson's original idea.

I look forward to seeing the photos you will post.




LuptoM, thank you for posting the photos of your Tormek ST-250. At the first glance the machine is in a good shape. The major think is that it has the universal support bar which enables to use all current Tormek jigs. What concerns the drive, I would try to stay with the power drill, as it was designed for. The only drawback is the absence of the honing wheel.

For £45 it was a good acquisition, I would have bought it also!  :)



I would have jumped on that as well.  Can you post a picture of the outside of the stone side as well?  (that I think is the original, non man made stone)
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


Is the rubber wheel supposed to be a rubber honing wheel as well as a drive wheel?


I do not think so! The standard leather honing wheel must be impregnated with the honing compound which would cause slippage of the motor shaft.


Ken S

I will look up your model in my early handbook at home. Probably no answer until the weekend. Support can help you with your drive wheel.

Nice photos; I would definitely go the electric drill route. Support may be able to guide you toward a good drill for your Tormek.

A third vote that I would have bought your Tormek. Good find!
