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Messages - kwakster

Handle parts & washers fine sanded, polished and waxed, filework & swedge also polished a bit & the blade stropped on hard cardboard with 1.0 micron diamond compound to remove the burr.


Overall length: 20,9 cm (8.23 inches)
Blade length after the regrind: 10,0 cm (3.94 inches)
Max blade thickness: 3,1 mm
Brale grind: full convex zero edge
Blade steel: forged 1045 carbon steel
Handle materials: 1 x JB-Weld/Leather/Brass washers, cowbone, Argentinan hardwood, brass pommel
Sheath: brown leather (left-hand model)
Weight (knife only): 98 grams
Weight (knife + sheath): 120 grams
Blade & swedge colored with a blue magic marker before refining step with 1000 grit wet & dry SiC paper, used with oil on glass.

After the refining step:

New JB-Weld "washer" sanded flush, and the blade hand reground to it's original full convex shape on the green silicon carbide side of the Foss 7205 bench stone used with oil.

The first leather washer had rotted and had to be removed.
Then the gap was sanded, cleaned, and filled with some JB-Weld.

Wet ground a new point & a rough new swedge on the side of my Tormek SB-250 Blackstone (black silicon carbide):

This traditional Argentinian Ju-Ca brand fixed blade belongs to a friend of a friend, and as you can see the point was broken off and the handle was also in need of a bit of TLC.

Website of the Argentinian father & son team, who have been making these knives since 1959:

Knife Sharpening / Re: ceramic knives with the S G
July 17, 2024, 12:14:56 PM
Here's a link to the review on another forum of that Forever white ceramic knife i did years ago.
In it there are quite a few close-up pictures of the edge, among which several made with a USB-camera.

My invention of using fine diamond compounds together with certain types of oil on a naked Paper Wheel has been a game changer in sharpening ceramic knife edges, and a bit later also for steel knife edges.
When i explained my process on the Australian blade forum Vadim Kraichuck was one of the first knife sharpeners who adopted it.

Knife Sharpening / Re: ceramic knives with the S G
July 17, 2024, 11:16:38 AM
The intrinsic properties & the thickness of the ceramic material most certainly play important parts in useful edge life, but the degree of edge polishing also has proven to be very important yet often overlooked.
Scratches in a ceramic knife apex work as crack initiators, and when those scratches get smaller and smaller due to progressively finer polishing the apex becomes more resistant to chipping as well as keener.
The Forever white ceramic knife in the first two clips has an apex of ~25 degrees inclusive, and it could reverse whittle a chest hair, meaning from hair root to hair point, which is noticeably more difficult than from hair point to hair root.

There are also huge differences in ceramic knives from different manufacturers, and i have found many cheaper ones to be simply not worthy of resharpening.
The two best brands i've encountered so far are made by the Japanese companies Forever and Kyocera (in that order)

According to reports there seems to exist an ever higher quality ceramic knife material, which is made by Swiss company Rahven, but i have not been able to get my hands on one.
Not only does Rahven offer various kitchen knives under their own name, recently they also manufactured a so called "mule" model for Spyderco.

Knife Sharpening / Re: ceramic knives with the S G
July 16, 2024, 10:45:55 PM
In general ceramic knives are still more chippy when compared to steel knives, but due to the much higher polishing process i have found the resulting edges to be less chippy when compared to factory sharpened ceramic knife edges.
They are also noticeably keener.

With ceramic knives polishing the edges to certain degrees greatly improves their edge retention, and an edge polished up to 1.0 micron diamond compound lasts longer than that same knife polished only to 6.0 micron, all else being equal.

The downside is of course that i need to do 2 more polishing steps (with 3.0 micron and 1.0 micron, all on dedicated Paper Wheels)
Through testing and feedback i have found 6.0 micron to be a good compromise between edge holding and time spent polishing.
Knife Sharpening / Re: ceramic knives with the S G
July 16, 2024, 12:41:32 PM
For me Paper Wheels used with diamond compounds completely solved the problem of sharpening ceramic knives to a very keen edge.
I only sharpen what i know to be good quality ceramic, and most ceramic edges i polish up to 6,0 micron diamond compound..
For an even keener edge i refine up to 1,0 micron diamond compound.

Some examples i did about 10 years ago:
Imo sandpaper on a soft substrate will work very well to resharpen an already convexed edge or full convex blade, but to get that convex shape in the first place a hard substrate works much better.
Here the Tormek was used only to grind a new point / slanted edge section on the disassembled blade, using a small knife rest as a guide.

I knew beforehand that the outcome wouldn't be everybody's cup of tea, but for me functionality trumps looks every time.
Grinding the rough convex form with the diamond file (without apexing) took a few hours in total.
Most time was spent shaping & smoothing the blade surfaces on the Foss combination stone and the wet & dry paper on glass.
Visually it's still not 100 % perfect, but the current edge already holds up fine whittling an old piece of hard beechwood cutting board.
A few more pics:

For quite a few years this Buck Strider 881 mini tanto in BG42 steel was gathering dust in a drawer, as to me it was more a knife-like object, literally unable to cut anything.
Over the last few weeks i changed that with the help of my Tormek SB-250 stone (for the point area), a 300 grit diamond file, a Foss 7205 black/green silicon carbide stone, and some 400 grit wet & dry SiC paper on glass (for the straight edge)
The apex on the now full convex blade measures somewhere between 22.5 and 25 degrees inclusive, and i'm first going to do some test cutting to find out if i can safely lower it a bit more.
Also rounded the overly sharp G10 grip plates a bit and sanded the screw heads.


While grinding the blade with the diamond file:

After the 400 grit SiC paper and removing the tiny burr on a piece of hard cardboard with a dab of 1.0 micron diamond paste:

Considering all work was done with only one eye currently functioning at about 80 % (plus a pair of reading glasses) i'm quite pleased with the result, :-)
Knife Sharpening / Bird & Trout shank
October 15, 2023, 03:28:02 PM
Sometimes i remodel worn out or discarded meat carving knives into very narrow shank-like knives, which i then give away to certain Chefs & butchers.
This old Swibo i did a few years back, and it has quickly become the favorite bird & trout knife of a local Chef.

The rigid blade is hand convex ground up to 400 grit wet & dry SiC, it has an edge angle somewhere between 25 and 30 degrees inclusive, and the back of the blade is also convexed to a degree (which thins the blade a bit more & allows for better twisting & turning)
My Tormek T7 fitted with an SB-250 Blackstone was used in a supportive role; to grind down the back of the blade a bit before i continued with hand convex grinding.
The hard rubber-like handle has no real guard, only a few shallow finger grooves, which provide for quite a lot of grip.
Very useful knife according to it's owner.