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knife setting tool

Started by Ken S, May 25, 2015, 12:13:01 PM

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Ken S

Thanks for the compliment, Jan.

A hole (with sliding clearance) 12mm would work.  However, I believe this setting tool works most efficiently by adjusting the universal support bar first, and then not touching the adjustment. As shown in the article, all three of the knives I use most fall within the range of being able to be adjusted to a length of 139mm, where the pencil mark is. So, once the distance from the universal support bar to the grinding wheel is set, it should not need to be changed. The only changes which should need to be made for most knives is adjusting the length of the adjustable stop on the knife jig. My goal was to keep the adjustments to a bare minimum.

For someone who sharpens at different locations, the tool allows him to set the support to wheel distance initially and not touch it again until he removes the grinding wheel for transport.

Think of a good name in Czech for the tool this week and enter the name. It does not even have to be logical, just mystical and mysterious!




Ken, it is a great honour for me to suggest a name for your jig.  :)

A logical name may be "Kenda-139" which for me is familiar form of Ken and even more the syllable "da" at the end of the name Kenda is phonetic reminder to Dutchman's tables.



Best.    Rob.


15° T4 Knife Bevel Jig
15° T7 Knife Bevel Jig
20° T4 Knife Bevel Jig
20° T7 Knife Bevel Jig

If it is not too close to Tormek nomenclature, the following abbreviations could be used.

15° T4 KBJ
15° T7 KBJ
20° T4 KBJ
20° T7 KBJ

I believe all Tormek designators start with letters so would possibly stop confusion with Tormek nomenclature.


I got one from Ken.
It has made a difference to the speed of set up for carving knifes sharpening.
Thanks again Ken.
Bob The Knife Grinder.

Ken S

You are quite welcome, Bob. I am pleased the tool has worked for you.  Keep up the good work.



You are always an inspiration Ken. Cheers Mate.
See my latest message re. 16 x 12inch carvers and 17 utility knives.
I love the T7.