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Knife bolster and return maintenance

Started by Elden, February 28, 2013, 10:07:40 PM

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I did some checking the other day but seemingly couldn't find what was needed.

A little bit of explanation might clarify things. This computer is not ours but belongs to a young lady that is staying with us and going to school. Our computer (a Dell) bit the dust (died for you Rob!) due to a bunch of bad capacitors. We plan on getting another computer sometime. So, I don't spend money on someone else's computer.

Actually, I think the solution came to me this afternoon. Our son has his own laptop. I hope to be able to upload to it. :)  Don't know why I hadn't thought of that before. So, maybe tomorrow......


Hi Elden,

There you go!  The "youngsters" should have no problem with it, and should be able to show you how to do it on your Mac too.  If it does not have the software, your son can just install it and show you how to use it. :)

If he can't, post again.



That's the ticket....steal your works for me :-)
Best.    Rob.


Quote from: kb0rvo on March 02, 2013, 02:35:22 AM
Our computer (a Dell) bit the dust (died for you Rob!)

Very familiar with that one Elden.....remember the famous Queen song "another one bites the dust"

Best.    Rob.