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To scissor jig or not to scissor jig....that is the question?

Started by Rob, February 26, 2013, 09:08:41 PM

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So does this mean I could use the torlok tool rest to sharpen scissors if held 60 deg to the stone?  Maybe clamp the blade in the knife jig? I appreciate I'm kinda reaching here. The only reason I'm banging on about this is my requirement for scissor sharpening is very low. Just a couple household regulars and my beaten up ones in the shop ( which I use to cut sandpaper with).

Best.    Rob.


Hey Black Mamba,

Just curious.  What machine do you use for salon scissors?

I checked out, very briefly, sharpening salon scissors and the array of machines was unique and varied.  Some have like five discs, others moved the scissors automatically, another had small round hoops with the grinding surface on the inside edge.  Pretty interesting.

So, I Googled scissors vs shears.  I think what Wiki says makes sense.  Shears are generally larger than scissors, e.g., sheep shears, pruning shears.  Ever hear someone say I've got to trim my hedge, but I can't find my prunning scissors?  :)

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: Rob on February 27, 2013, 09:49:17 AM
So does this mean I could use the torlok tool rest to sharpen scissors if held 60 deg to the stone?  Maybe clamp the blade in the knife jig?

I doubt you'd be happy with the results, but like I said it would cost you nothing to give it a try.  I can attest to the fact that the scissors jig does a wonderful job.
Origin: Big Bang


Black Mamba

Hi grepper,

The machine I use is manufactured by Rapid Edge. I went through a rather exhaustive process of research and education about the whole industry of sharpening salon scissors before I committed to any device or system. It was not a decision I made lightly as my total outlay for the package was $21,000. That included the machine AND TRAINING WITH THE MACHINE DESIGNER for a week....on a one-on-one basis. Frankly, there are certainly other equipment options on the market, but I never found one that even approached the quality and capabilities of the Rapid Edge offering. Like I said, I wanted to give myself the best chance possible to succeed in this business and the machine and training by Rapid Edge is absolutely the best out there.

I've seen a number of definitions thrown around relative to scissors and shears. The one most knowledgeable people in my industry accept is as follows:

Both scissors and shears have two "rings ". One ring accommodates the thumb and the other ring accommodates a finger or fingers. In the case of scissors, only one finger will fit into the finger ring. With shears, the finger ring will accept two ( or more ) fingers at the same time. Some scissors will have an extension ( called a " tang ") jutting off of the finger ring that allows for the placement of another finger for greater control by the stylist. Designed for one finger in the finger's a scissor. Designed for two or more fingers in the finger's a shear.


Mr. Mamba,

I had run across that machine whilst checking around.  Now that I see it, that's the one I mentioned that has 5 disks.

I've got to hand it to you for actually following through and mastering that skill!  When I first checked it out, I had no idea just what all was involved.  It qucikly became apparent that there was way more to it than I ever thought, in expense, training, practice and skill. Sadly, in my situation it looked prohibitive.  So, way to go!  Bet it's fun and rewarding!

Thanks for clearing up the definition of scissors vs shears.  I've always thought one should use the proper terminology.



Till I joined this forum I didn't even know there was anything special about scissors. I also didn't know hairdressers could be such trouble :-)
Best.    Rob.


It's funny to read some of the salon scissors FAQ's.  Like what to do if you drop your $3,000.00 scissors on the floor:

DON'T TOUCH THEM! Immediately call scissors 911!
Whatever you do, don't open or close them!
We will send an emergency response team and a special scissors gurney...  :)


Best.    Rob.


Just the juxtaposition of a gnarled sharpeners calloused hands versus the salon workers makes me smile
Best.    Rob.

Black Mamba

You guys wouldn't believe some of the stories I could tell. But I'm like the 3 famous monkeys.....see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. I will say this; hair stylists are an extremely interesting crowd to be around. There's never a dull moment.

If the stylists ever learned to quit dropping their scissors, I might go out of business. Blade damage almost always results from dropping and in some cases it spells doom for the scissors.

Rob can't leave us dangling like least one war story, come on :-)
Best.    Rob.


Thanks Jeff. The SVD 110 came with my machine. I bought a used Tormek.

Black Mamba

Well, Rob....just one.

Two young gentlemen stylist were involved. On prior visits to this particular salon, I had noticed that there was a hint of rancor between these two. But they were both decent folks that I had done work for and I happened to like both of them. To myself, I referred to them as "magic" men....I don't think I ever saw either one of their feet touch the floor as they flitted around.

On this occasion, I was helping a gal who had incurred a bad nick in her favorite pair of scissors. I became aware of some raised voices between these two guys. Upon looking up, I see this one dude grab this dainty umbrella he had sauntered in with ( rainy day ) and he commenced to whack the other guy across the arm. Whereupon, the other guy grabbed a broom that was handy and made several good blows to the first guy's butt. The first guy proceeded to let everyone in the shop know that the other guy was nothing but a cheap whore....all the while screeching as he received more butt blows from the broom. In short order, it was all over. The guy swinging the umbrella landed a solid whack to the other's knee....sending him fleeing from the salon in tears.

There were only two clients in the salon at the time and after a moment of stunned silence by all present, everybody went back to whatever they were doing.


Excellent....Hollywood could use that....lovers tiff :-)
Best.    Rob.