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French ??

Started by Eric30, May 23, 2014, 01:21:07 PM

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Bonjour, je suis un nouveau possesseur d'un groupe d'affûtage TORMEK T7 et je rencontre quelques difficultés dans l'utilisation des gabarits ou plutôt dans le résultat obtenu et notamment l'affûtage des ciseaux à bois avec le dispositif SE-76.
L'outil est parfaitement d'équerre dans le dispositif, il est bien parallèle à un trait tracé sur la meule, la meule est dressée, la machine est de niveau, la pression sur l'outil est régulière et malgré tout ça je ne parvient pas à obtenir un biseau droit.
La partie droite est moins meulée que la gauche.
Y a t-il une astuce ou une étape qui m'aurait échappé ?
Ne parlant pas Anglais j'aimerai savoir si quelqu'un sur le forum peut m'aider en Français ?
Merci d'avance.


Bonjour.  Parlez-Vous Anglais?
Best.    Rob.


Probably a crude translation...

Hello, I am a new owner of a group of sharpening TORMEK T7 and am having some difficulties in the use of templates or rather the result including sharpening chisels with SE-76 device.
The tool is perfectly square in the device, it is parallel to a line drawn on the wheel, the wheel is drawn, the machine is level, the pressure on the tool is smooth and despite all that I fails not obtain a right bevel.
The right side is less grinded the left.
Is there a trick or a step that would have escaped me?
Do not speak English I would like to know if someone on the forum can help me in French?
Thank you in advance.


Non je ne parle pas Anglais.
Thank you to Grepper for translation. It seems to me quite describe my problem. If I make a translation using an online translator I fear it is misunderstood but I try anyway. Excuse me if this is not quite correct, but we should be able to understand us .


you couldn't make it up could you :-)
Best.    Rob.


Bonjour Eric30

I experienced problems with SE-76 in 2012.

If you search for "Square Edge Issues with SE-76 - started by RobinW" you will find lots of small but relevant points posted which may help you.

Herman Trivilino

Eric, please read this:

No French version available.
Origin: Big Bang


Hello and thank you for your response and RobinW for his subject very complete.
Through what I've read and understand, I have a few hours to spend difficult to achieve an acceptable result.
There is no evidence and video demonstrations are misleading in suggesting that it is easy to sharpen with a template.
Even if I persevere I'm still disappointed to encounter much difficulty with a machine of this price.

It would be correct from Tormek show video what are the problems that you may encounter and how to resolve them.
they increase their reliability and credibility with users.
It also reassure users.
When you spend hours trying to understand why it does not work by doing things correctly, you wonder if you made ​​the right purchase.

Bonjour et merci pour vos intervention et à RobinW pour son sujet très complet.
Au travers de ce que j'ai pu lire et comprendre, j'ai encore quelques heures difficiles à passer pour parvenir à un résultat acceptable.
Il n'y pas d'évidence et les démonstrations vidéo sont trompeuses en laissant penser qu'il est facile d'affûter avec un gabarit.
Même si je vais persévérer je suis quand même déçu de rencontrer autant de difficulté avec une machine de ce prix.

Il serait correct de la part de Tormek de montrer en vidéo quels sont les problèmes que l'on peut rencontrer et comment les régler.
ils augmenteraient leur sérieux et leur crédibilité auprès des usagers.
Cela rassurerait aussi les utilisateurs.
Quand on passe des heures à essayer de comprendre pourquoi ça ne marche pas en faisant les choses correctement, on se demande si on a fait le bon achat.


wait till you start trying to use it for shaping :-)
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: Eric30 on May 28, 2014, 05:16:11 AM
Even if I persevere I'm still disappointed to encounter much difficulty with a machine of this price.

I had the same experience.  It takes time to learn how to use the machine properly.  The videos show what can be accomplished with practice and skill.  The Tormek is definitely a tool for the craftsman, as it takes the time and skill that only a craftsman would devote to a craft.
Origin: Big Bang


The trouble is Herman that at the price point the Tormek markets for.....that creates a pretty high expectation of performance in the mind of the buyer!  Considering its marketed on the decision basis of the jigs making sharpening, faster, simpler and repeatable....the guy has a point doesn't he?  And its a point we hear time and time again on this forum.

I can't help feeling a little sorry for him.  The poor bloke feels he's been stitched up!
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: Rob on May 29, 2014, 10:47:30 AM
....the guy has a point doesn't he?  And its a point we hear time and time again on this forum.

Yes, he does.  That's what I meant when I said I had the same experience.  Initial disappointment followed by the realization that it takes practice to get it right. 

Consider the fact that the Tormek has been, and continues to be, a product that sells well.  There really is no better way that I know of to sharpen a chisel.  Or a knife.  Or lots of other things.  I believe a lower-priced alternative would be even more disappointing, and a higher-priced alternative wouldn't perform any better.

Origin: Big Bang


well I might disagree with you there but this forum isn't the appropriate place to discuss competitive products.  I've had my wrists slapped before in that regard and I understand and respect Tormek's wish to preclude a forum with their sponsorship become a sounding board for competitive product.
Best.    Rob.


Hello, you have fully understood all my problems. From my side I understand the need to insist before getting results.
This machine is definitely a good buy that I do not regret time.
Thank you all.

Bonjour, vous avez tous parfaitement compris mes difficultés .De mon coté j'ai bien compris qu'il fallait insister avant d'obtenir des résultats.
Cette machine est certainement un bon achat que je ne regretterai pas avec le temps.
Merci à tous.