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How can I flatten my stone grader?

Started by joel, March 01, 2013, 01:48:26 AM

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Herman Trivilino

You could use that to run your Tormek, too!
Origin: Big Bang


Thanks for the solar ideas. However, I'll be 77 soon and each year it gets harder to keep up with the daily maintenance "surprises" around the farm. They say "With age comes wisdom"... So, maybe I'll wise up and not start any new long-term projects. And anyway, I'll probably be moving from here in 3-4 years and "really" retire. But... it does sound interesting.


If I'm half as active as you at 77 Joel ill think I've done something right :-). I turn fifty in two weeks and everything hurts already :-)
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

I'm 57 and I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man with problems.
Origin: Big Bang


I feel 21, trouble is my body can't cash the cheques my mind keeps writing!
Best.    Rob.


I once heard a response from an older prizefighter that comes to mind frequently these days. When asked how he can still compete with his much younger opponents, he replied that he didn't have a problem keeping up in the 3 minute fight rounds. The mismatch is recuperating in the 1 minute rest between rounds.  Think I'll get some sleep now.  :)   (Sorry, I can't get the emoticons to work... is it a "Mac" problem or is it me?)    Take care guys.   Joel


Your emoticons are happy.  You have to press the Preview button to see them.


Very good Joel. And yes your emoticons are just fine  8)
Best.    Rob.