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SE-77 binding on universal support shaft

Started by danglin, September 22, 2016, 07:21:28 PM

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Followup on the binding issue. Finally got a replacement SE 77 - (another long story with twists and turns). The binding is gone with the new jig in place- just looking at the defective jig vs the new one, it looks like the bushing/holes are detectably (barely) smaller in diameter, but enough to cause the binding.The action is smooth, like I envisioned it should be.

Stig was helpful, as was Ken. Stig told Affinity to just replace the jig and forget about the bushings, but now I have replacement bushings too.
Thanks to all for commenting and helping.

David Anglin
Retired Pediatric Critical care physician
Hobbyist, Grandfather

Ken S


I am pleased you finally have a working jig. Thumbs up for Stig and less than up for whoever dropped the ball.

I hope you like the SE-77 as much as I do. Please post your thoughts after using it, and do keep posting.



The only thing I would ask, is do you have the original box for your first one?  I would think Stig might want that back with it, in case it has a lot number, so they can figure out if it was a one time problem, or if some sort of adjustment is needed during production.

Thanks for the updates.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S

Good thought, SADW.

I would suggest scanning the box and emailing it with a note to Tormek support.
Stig is in charge of the team.



I've got to say that Tormek is a great company that produces quality products always stands behind them.  I've seen that over many years here as a forum member, and from my own personal experience.   That is a quality that seems to be lacking with so many companies and products these days,

I also appreciate the members of this forum.  Folks here are always friendly, more than willing to help and often with good humor.

Methinks that's a cool combination!


I just had a eureka moment. I had forgotten that I just bought a SE 77 jig and after seeing the post about the binding, I thought that I had better check mine out. Sure enough, it was binding on the universal support. I could see no reason for this so I got to fumbling around with the knobs on the jig. The reason is because part number 2, article 2460 (steering) was out of alignment with part number 1, the base. The adjustment screws (knob screws) part number 10 were not tight from the factory. This allowed the two parts to be on different planes so to speak. Their bores were not concentric. Problem solved.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.


Not sure to make of your discovery JeffS55. There may be more than one issue here with the SE 77 - Is that what you are saying? I went back and looked at my original jig and then the replacement jig. With the jigs set up with the same camber adjustment - neutral (lines on jig lined up exactly), the original jig binds and the new one doesn't- doesn't matter if I move the camber adjustment this way or that - it doesn't help the defective jig. Doesn't matter if the camber adjustment knobs are snugged down tight. First time I slid the new jig on the support, it slid like butter.
I will send the lot number to Stig and see if he wants the jig itself back.
David Anglin
Retired Pediatric Critical care physician
Hobbyist, Grandfather

Ken S


I am pleased your jig issue has been successfully resolved. I feel there were two problems: First, for some reason, your jig was defective. Sending you a properly working replacement solved the problem for you. I suspect the difficulty will prove to be uncommon, but not unique. (Both of mine work fine.) Perhaps one production lot had a problem. I would be very surprised if Tormek did not thoroughly investigate and correct the issue.

The second issue, perhaps more difficult to correct, is the break down in the customer service chain.

As a career telephone repair technician, I spent my work days dealing with out of service customers. It was easy for me to overlook the fact that the vast majority of telephone service works day in and day out. We still had some telephone issues to resolve. From what I have observed with Tormek, while their customer is generally outstanding, a bit of tweaking would be beneficial.

Please post your thoughts on your new jig as you have the opportunity to use it.



Quote from: danglin on October 09, 2016, 06:00:05 AM
Not sure to make of your discovery JeffS55. There may be more than one issue here with the SE 77 - Is that what you are saying?
I am not sure what I am saying except to say that unless the jig is in the neutral position on my USB, there is a binding occurring. I broke down and got out the instructions which I had not yet read. Further, my jig does not have a chisel in it. I see that the two knobs in question are designed to be used in unison in order to effect a misaligned chisel. That is if one side or the other is not getting evenly ground. To that the side not being ground is "rotated" into the grindstone. However fine that rotation is, it moves the alignment hole out of plane or maybe I should say out of axis since we dealing with a shaft, with the other hole. I have two USB and it is the same on both. I am going to assume that in "rotating" an off square chisel to achieve even grinding the amount must be so small as to not have an effect on the ability to slide on the shaft. I do not see a lot number on the box designated as such. There is however, a little sticker with the number 33009 on it. In conclusion, when the jig is in the neutral position it slides easily but the further you are from neutral it gets more difficult to the point of immovable.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.

Ken S


I agree that the SE-77 jig is designed to slide onto the universal support in the neutral position. When it is set off center, it does not fit on the universal support. This is normal.

In this case, something seems to have gone wrong while manufacturing David's first jig. He was sent a replacement jig, which functions normally.

I would be curious to know what went wrong with the jig.
