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some thoughts on the forum

Started by Ken S, March 23, 2013, 11:04:40 AM

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Ken S

Looking at the stats for this forum it is easy to see quite a change since I joined in 2009.  The most obvious is the number of posts.  In less than three months, we have posted more than in the entire period from 2008 through 2010.  Back then, no one had reached fifty posts.  Now seventy four posts barely makes the top ten.  Only one member had posted seventeen new posts.  Twenty replies put a post in the top ten.

Beyond the stats there is more to the story.  I find it pleasing, both then and now, that the forum has been self governing in a civil manner.  No flaming or ego trips.

We do not always agree, which is fine.  I recall a few rather passionate differences of opinion.  The different views were expressed candidly but with a respect for the other posters.  I find this refreshing.

I have noticed a few recent changes not shown in the statistics.  In general, I believe the posts have been more focused.  That's a good thing.  However, within this context, we have become more playful. That's also a good thing.  I enjoy the light hearted banter between the Yankees and "the gentlemen of the South".  The transatlantic bantering is fun as well.  Personally, I enjoy the regional language differences, and have added a few words and phrases to my rather plain midwestern vocabulary.

Some of the very long old posts in the past should have been several separate topics.  The longest post (130 threads) began with the stone grader and rambled around.  The rambling was OK, but should have been divided into several topics.  The recent second longest thread (100 posts and probably growing) stays generally on topic. This is a positive development.

Throughout these years, Jeff has done, and continues to do a fine job as moderator and resident guru.  I hope that continues.

It was a good forum when I first joined.  I believe it has evolved into a better forum, and I have high hopes for the future.



Best.    Rob.

Black Mamba

 I think artisans ( and each of us, in our own way and fashion, are members of that group ) tend to be thoughtful people, considerate of others, and open to the challenges of varied disciplines. I think Ken's observations are valid and pertinent. Good assessments, Ken.....Shirley's your aunt.


Herman Trivilino

Good points, Ken.  We do tend to self-moderate, which is awesome.

I think I have more than doubled my post count in the last few weeks.

Origin: Big Bang