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knife jig

Started by Ken S, February 27, 2013, 08:04:40 PM

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Ken S

When I purchased my first Tormek in 2009, the knife jig was the first accessory I added.  When  first looked at it, I noticed the sloppy casting and was not impressed.  I tried it with one of my knives with so so results, and put it away. I went back to my preferred method of using a 1000 grit waterstone.

Recently I have been thinking I should give the knife jig another chance.  I may have not properly factored in the possibility of operator inexperience.

Today was that second chance.  Either the jig improved with hibernation or my skills may have grown.  Within a very short time four of my favorite kitchen knives are now paper cutting sharp. I am impressed.  I took out my trusty six inch mill file and smoothed up the casting.  (Maybe my jig was made on a Friday or another less than optimum time.)  The sloppy casting is now forgotten.

If anyone in Sweden is reading this, not cleaning up the casting does not leave a positive first impression.  Fortunately examining the EZYlock shaft was much more impressive.



In the old service stations, if you didn't want people to drink your coffee you never washed the outside of the pot. However, the people who knew you were aware that the inside was kept clean!
i.e. It functions the same but is more attractive to the people if it is cleaned up. I couldn't say if mine is rough or not.
Glad you got yours cleaned up Ken, it should be kinder to the hands. 


That's great Ken

The fact you've decided to have another go with it now is interesting. What made you decide to retry after such a long time?

Best.    Rob.

Ken S

Rob,  two full time grandchildren and a move.....


Ah of course.....real frequently interrupts doesn't it
Best.    Rob.