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plastic sleeve was removed from grinding wheel

Started by andicugino, Yesterday at 10:26:20 AM

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The grinding wheel on my Tormek was rusted onto the shaft. Therefore I removed the shaft from the driving wheel side. Then I tried to remove the stone from the shaft by slightly hitting it with a mallet.

I was able to remove the wheel from the shaft without breaking it. But my joy was short-lived, unfortunately the plastic sleeve remained on the shaft. I don't think there is any chance of removing the sleeve from the shaft without breaking it.

I would like to use the stone again as it still has a diameter of about 235mm. My idea is now to drill a 12mm hole in a 22m POM rod and glue it into the stone. Could this work? What glue should I use?

Does anyone have a better idea?



I would 3D-print a piece of PETG with cross-hatched outer surface, as I wouldn't know where to procure POM with the proper dimensions, and don't know if I'd drill it dead center.

I'd use PUR glue.


Unfortunately, I don't have the option of 3D printing. I've often thought about getting a 3D printer. Then I'd have to deal with CAD, which has stopped me from doing so.

I could order a POM rod from eBay for a small amount of money. I could drill with sufficient precision on the wood lathe. After glueing I would dress the stone with the TT-50 in hope that the concentricity would then be restored. As for the adhesive, I'm not sure what to use best for POM and water stone.
