A couple of scenarios come to mind. Someone else in the house who doesn't appreciate the knives as much as you may have used a hacking motion while you were paying attention to your turning. Or, there could have been a flaw in the steel at that particular point. There are probably dozens more that I just haven't thought of yet.
I've had this happen while using a steel. The same crumbling appearance, however that was a ceramic knife, so it may have no correlation at all.
I wouldn't be too concerned unless it happens again.
Just as aside to this discussion, I have a Global steel, which isn't a steel at all, but a ceramic rod in the shape of a butcher's steel. Personally, I'm rubbish with a conventional steel, but with the Global ceramic steel I can maintain an edge for months before needing to use the Tormek.
I've had this happen while using a steel. The same crumbling appearance, however that was a ceramic knife, so it may have no correlation at all.
I wouldn't be too concerned unless it happens again.
Just as aside to this discussion, I have a Global steel, which isn't a steel at all, but a ceramic rod in the shape of a butcher's steel. Personally, I'm rubbish with a conventional steel, but with the Global ceramic steel I can maintain an edge for months before needing to use the Tormek.