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Messages - Jimmy R Jørgensen

Welcome a board. Lots to be learned here. but the best way is to just jump in at start grinding.
Honing Compound PA-70 - Alternatives?

At the risk of sounding stingy, is PA-70 the only thing that works.. The reason i ask is that at my work, there is a lot of grinding, polishing, plastering going on. all on industrial machines. using for me unknown compounds when doing the grinding, polishing, plastering, some of the compund used are brownish, some are gray some are white. The 100$ question is, you guys think i can use this instead of Pa-70.

I'm guessing you will say.. eighter NO.. HELL NO.. or you would go well mayby, but what is the grid on the honing compund they use.. and he he..i don't know any of this. but wouldn't go and envestigate if you guys said.. HELL NO!.

The stuff looks a lot like the (not that a picture will tell any info, but here you go)
Knife Sharpening / Re: knife setting tool
May 27, 2015, 09:34:55 AM
It is indeed a job well done Ken.. And please don' t thank me, i just did like ½ a minute of work, nothing compared to the job you did. It looks very good, i'm sure it will help lots of people, maiking sharpening a breeze
I use the Harddisk magnet to. inexpencive (if you have a broken harddrive) and pretty powerfull magnet.
Quote from: Herman Trivilino on April 23, 2015, 04:47:16 AM
I have to agree with Rob on this one. C'mon. $59!

I second that. i would say, for a rubber mat 4.99$
So the problem is/was that he was selling the stuff he made advertise about, not that he posted a advertisement?. Or both? Or that it wasn't a Tormek Product?
Knife Sharpening / Re: knife setting tool
May 26, 2015, 06:51:17 PM
Send the stuff to me, and i'll post it, og send you links so you can make your own post.
They will both end up having awesome names.. I to believe we "need" a new inventions section here to. like there is knife sharpening. why not a New inventions section. where all you geniuses can post your inventions

i would LOVE to win both of the jigs. but danm it i suck at getting idears to stuff like that.. god danm it.. i have no chanse at all here.. going to hate the winner.. sorry.
General Tormek Questions / Re: "bargain Tormek"
May 25, 2015, 07:21:53 PM
If you don't research just a little bit before you buy stuff i say you the only one to blame.. So if people buy a T3 and spend like 200$ above selling price so be it.
I hear you Rob. I was only trying to be a little funny and to provoke you a bit. not in a bad way.. sorry if you did misunderstand my intentions.

Ofcause there is a big difference in how and where the knife is to be used.. the knife i use to cut open sacks of pellets for the furnace is not a knife that is welcome in the kicthen with the wife's knife ha ha. so yeah.

Love this forum, and the Tormek. Now i just need to become skilled barefooede hippie knife sharpner.. I have made planes to buy monkey for when i hit the road with the hole show.
I hear you.. we do "need" stuff to help us make sure we don't f.. up.. But before i go all hippie and become barefooded knife freehand sharpener.. WHY is it that you use a jig doing you expencive knifes, and not when doing the "cheape" knife.. my logic is saying that even you don't belive in it then?..
Ohhh a freestyler huh.. isn't that pretty tuff to get a nice and even erhh burh (trying to use exprections i'm not all comfatable with lol)
Quote from: Rob on May 14, 2015, 06:16:10 PM
Generally speaking I would say almost always grind knives at 1000 grit and away from yourself as you don't want to remove much steel at all.

I'm finding this difficult. the bar on the erhhr.. then thingy on the jig hits the stearingbar , maiking it impossible to sharpen the full length of the blade. Well that is if i understand you correct, and i do it correct.. By sharpening in the direction of the stone, the use of the stearing bar is reversed and the tightening bolt is in the way.. danm i find this hard to explaine.. hope the picture tell the story lol

By the way.. i do have a feeling that is it me doing something wrong, and that i soon will have a AAA HA moment..

Quote from: Herman Trivilino on May 23, 2015, 09:38:45 PM
I always lower the water trough after every session so the grindstone doesn't sit in a water bath.

I thought having a wet stone would be a good thing, so i have done the oposit, remembered to make sure there was water in there to keep it good, wet and soaked..

reading the Manual is if anything else fails.. mayby i should have a look there if that says do remember to empty wather trough?
Knife Sharpening / Re: Victorinox Knife
May 22, 2015, 11:42:22 PM
Still a pretty good knife or ?. Thinking about buying one?