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Messages - Dutchman

Quote from: benhung on April 27, 2023, 11:17:32 AM... snip
I'll remove the link couple of days later
Hello Benjamin
Congratulations on your simulation of my angle setting formula.
I didn't understand your post, probably because I'm not familiar with 'GeoGebra'.
However, your explanation and the diagram in the new link gave the clarity I was missing.
You are right that it might explain a lot to new users especially regarding reference points. That's why I would be sorry if you removed the link. I would like you to add the link with some explanation as 'reply' to my topic, the link of which you will find in my 'signature',
Thanks in advance for your effort.
Quote from: Perra on April 26, 2023, 11:35:22 AM... snip
that function is built into the tool.
and that's an additional feature that Tormek's new angle-adjuster lacks  ;)
It helps if you describe what the use is and how you use it. ;)
Now that the new anglesetter has been mentioned by Samuel from Tormek and the drawing in the patent application has been shown by cbwx34, I feel free to stop keeping my test report a secret.
At the request of Tormek's CEO, I tested the new design of an angle-setter in December 2022 and wrote the attached report.
Nice piece of equipment. Handy to use, without additional resources such as computers and software.
Nice documentation too. Congratulations.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Honing Support Bar
April 19, 2023, 04:02:22 PM
Can't you use the normal USB if you rotate it 180°, or am I missing the point?
Quote from: on April 13, 2023, 01:46:14 AMI use my Tormek SuperGrind 2000 with the SVD186 and a diamond wheel ...
... snip
I recently puchased an 8" set of CBN wheels mounted on a slow-speed grinder
... snip
I assume the diamond-stone on the Supergrind-2000 has a diameter of 250mm.
On the other hand, the diameter of the stone on the slowspeed-grinder is mentioned to be 8".
Then you will have to adjust the distance from the USB to the stone to get the same grinding angle.

If the stones have the same diameter AND the distance from the USB to the stone is the same in both cases then the grinding angle should be the same in both cases.
Knife Sharpening / Re: Colvin FVB on T8
April 02, 2023, 11:18:41 AM
Quote from: Ken S on April 02, 2023, 04:30:09 AM... snip
 It simplifies measuring.
... and it reduces tolerances  ;)
Knife Sharpening / Re: Colvin FVB on T8
March 28, 2023, 10:11:59 AM
Quote from: cbwx34 on March 27, 2023, 11:04:09 PMI have some indirect evidence as to why this occurred.  Until I get the needed evidence to prove or disprove it
Do not sharpen your knives in this condition. You could hurt yourself! ;)
KJ-jig with adjustable stop? ;)
Quote from: Ken S on March 20, 2023, 06:56:32 PM...
 why would one proceed with other knives before correcting the situation?
I do not intend to sound critical.
You are very mild in your response.
Quote from: aquataur on March 17, 2023, 02:55:47 PM... snip
And it runs on my system without any Microsoft gew-gaws.
Hihi, I learned a new word: 'gewgaws'. I googled the meaning: "... They're not valuable or useful." Typical for many controls in Microsoft's products.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Electricity Costs
February 12, 2023, 02:28:00 PM
Quote from: Ken S on February 11, 2023, 05:31:19 PM... snip
ps This should answer some of your questions:
The link you refer to does not provide correct information. There it is stated about the Kilowatt: "A kilowatt is a unit of energy ...". That should be: "A kilowatt is a unit of power, whether in consumption or in delivery or potential." If that power is supplied or consumed, then the duration determines how much energy is supplied or consumed. So energy = power x time. And so Kwh (Kilowatthour) is a unit of energy.
General Tormek Questions / Re: backlash
February 05, 2023, 12:09:23 PM
Quote from: Ken S on February 04, 2023, 09:44:07 PM... snip
Gears and adjustment screws are designed to allow a little BACKLASH This gives them a little breathing room in order to function.
... snip
I don't think the 'backlash' you indicate in the drawing is the problem. I think Wolfgang is referring to the fact that the USB doesn't just slide down smoothly. The USB must therefore be pressed down when adjusting downwards, otherwise the screw thread will prevent smooth lowering.
As I said before: "a clever idea".
I cannot recognize in the photo how the stone diameter is set. but with that adjustment your design will be very suitable and above all easy to use.
I suppose there will be a lot of potential customers