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Messages - Dutchman

Thanks Vadim.
I should have added a table for 215mm, but I supposed that the 220mm was correct.  >:(
I have added an Open Document Spreadsheet (For the office package OpenOffice)
to the documents in
I do not know if it will work in Excel.
You'll find there also a photo of measuring the distance to the stone. In my opinion, the accuracy of that method is good enough
Knife Sharpening / Re: Best microbevel angle
August 24, 2017, 10:35:32 AM
Is the recommended angular difference between primary and secondary bevel dependent on the angle of the primary bevel?
In his publication Experiments on Knife Sharpening (  John Verhoeven recommends a 2β target hone angle set to around 5° to 6° larger than the ground angle of 40° (page 26-27)
So he applied a secondary grinding angle 2.5° larger, at a primary grinding angle of 20°.
It is a large difference with 'your' 0.5°, a factor 5!
Difference in the accuracy of setting or measuring the grinding angle might be the reason?  ;)
I want the honing wheel positioned such that the grinding wheel is not in the way while honing (long) cooks knives.
A separate honing system would also be an option, but would be expensive due to the additional motor.
Maybe you could add a reference to "Experiments on Knife Sharpening" by John D. Verhoeven
You can find it on
I have learned a lot from that publication.
The distance is measured NOT to the top NOR the center of the support. It is part of the triangle through the knife in the jig. So it should be measured to the heart of the jig just above the center of the support. Measuring the distance to the top of the support however will give a negligible error.
Please keep in mind that this subject is not an academic item, but a proposal to simplify the jig-setting  ;) Thank you :)
Thanks  Jan ;D
I made an update of the attached PDF-file
Quote from: Jan on January 07, 2017, 01:22:39 PM
... The attached picture shows how simple is the setting of the clearance angle for the secondary facet to 20°. The 10° and 20° marks on the side of the stone are for a specific distance between the USB and the shaft. The alignment bar has a height equal to the drill bit radius.  ;)
Very clever !
I was already thinking how to solve that adjustment   ;D
I made a PDF-file with the description and attached it.
Great idea. Thanks!
The tilting makes the difference.
Quote from: RobinW on October 29, 2016, 10:51:12 AM
Typical - the USA can't stop fiddling with things! ...
Far be it for me to raise the subject of Kg and lbs particularly with regards to space exploration.
Now that I have thrown that firecracker into the pot, I'll sign out and keep clear for a while.
Have a nice day y'all.
Well done  :D
Knife Sharpening / Re: Knife jig aid
June 17, 2016, 11:02:17 AM
Quote from: Herman Trivilino on May 25, 2016, 07:00:40 PM
... Interestingly enough, the Scandinavian countries, as I understand have two separate words, one translating as the weight force and the other as the mass.
All Western European countries except UK, use the SI system of physical quantities.
In high school we learn to use the difference between weight and mass. Using SI units leads to simple calculations for energy, power etc.
It is sad that the Anglo-Saxon countries still use old-fashioned imperial units. They thereby cause major problems, not only for their school children but in all technical areas and jobs.  :'(
NASA, as an example, has learned from a catastrophic failure of a Mars lander (Mars Climate Orbiter, 1999) due to bad usage of physical units and now uses SI units. ;)
Thanks for the praise  :)
Ken told me about your post after an e-mail about wooden shoes  ;D ;D
According to the manual, the recommend minimum diameter is 180mm.
The diameter of a new stone is 250mm.
So the usable reduction in diameter of a new stone is 250-180=70mm.
A stone with a diameter of 233mm can still be reduced by 233-180=53mm.
The grinding area is proportional to the circumference of the stone.
That area is reduced to  (53/70)^2=0,57 times the original.
So the remaining 'value' of the used stone of 233mm is 57% of a new stone.
Knife Sharpening / Re: Thanks, Ton ("Dutchman")
September 12, 2014, 10:30:00 AM
Thanks Ken for your kind reminder.  :)
For the interested reader, the subject is
Quote from: Richard Brand on September 09, 2014, 03:59:55 AM
Nice work!  From information on the web, it seems that Global knives should be sharpened to 11.5 degrees but my Tormek template only starts at 15 degrees.  Any help you can give much appreciated!
I proposed an accurate and simple method of adjusting the grinding angle, including 10 degrees.