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Topics - Spad011

General Tormek Questions / Grading side of the Wheel
February 20, 2004, 05:57:55 PM
When flattening the backs of planes and chisels, can you use the stone grader to go to the 2000 grit?

Also, is there a chance the wheel can get dished out?  Can you use the diamond tipp attachment to re true the sides?

General Tormek Questions / Knife Sharpening....Help
February 19, 2004, 04:53:55 AM
I'm trying to sharpen some kitchen knives.  I don't think they're that dull, but i wanted to get Sharp!

I tried it on a 12" butcher knife.  Well, I guess I took a little too much metal in some areas because the cutting area is no longer the nice parallel line; more like a smooth squiggle (yikes).

My question, with knives, do you even have to use the 200 grit or can I just start off with the 1000 grit and then go to honing.  I think I might have taken off most of the metal on the 200 grit.

I have to admit I looked like a one armed paper hanger as I tried this.  Jeff makes it look much easier.

Any suggestions?
General Tormek Questions / Flattening back of chisel
February 17, 2004, 12:55:45 AM
Being a new user, I've tried to ensure a flat back on my chisels and plane irons.  I know that using the side of the wheel shoul flatten them.

When I do this I get irregular streaks on the back and can feel that there are deeper areas ground by the wheel.  It looks like a couple of curved streaks.

Obviously doing something wrong..any ideas?  TIA