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Topics - MerryMadMick

General Tormek Questions / T1 availability
November 05, 2024, 07:19:31 PM

I've been wanting to get a T1 that I can keep in the kitchen.  Talking to my usual Tormek suppliers they are unable to get stock for resale but I can get them from a kitchen supply retailer (Canada).  Would anyone know why a regular Tormek retailer would be unable to sell them?  I don't mind buying from the kitchen supply place but I'd rather support the business that supported me.


Recently I picked up an SJ-250 on sale.  When I first purchased it (new), it required truing and to be put into round.  About a week ago I pulled it off my storage rack (12mm peg), mounted it and it was out of round again.  Used the truing tool once again and got it perfectly round.  Mounted it this morning and was not surprised that it was out of round again.

Is gravity to blame here?


I've started resetting the primary bevels on my plane irons and chisels, mainly due to creeping skew from years of hand sharpening.  I picked up a Tormek bench grinder adapter + wolverine plate so I can use my 8" low speed with a 180 CBN for quick material removal, then I move over to the Tormek for final sharpening and honing.

I've noticed that the SG-250 clogs/looses it's cutting speed pretty quick when sharpening PM-V11 and A2 steels.  After about a minute or so the wheel looses its bite and I redress with the coarse side of the grading stone.
 There is, of course, a slight difference in the radius of the hollow grind between the 8" CBN and 10" SG-250 which means I'll be using the SG-250 to remove a bit more material to match radii.

I realize that after I'm done, I won't be resetting any primary bevels for a long time and, in theory, I'll only need to touch up the edge on the strop wheel on sharpening day.  That being said, for these harder steels, would I be better served with a different wheel?

Thank you.

Wood Carving / SVD-186R for large bent gouges
May 10, 2024, 03:22:32 AM

Is there an optional (wider) tool holder for the SVD-186R?  Quite a few of my most used bent gouges are 40mm+ and are too wide for this jig.  I did get a decent edge free-handing using the SVD-110, but if I can get the SVD-186R to work it would be more ideal.

Thank you.


I recently purchased a T-8 and after sharpening a few of my plane irons and chisels I discovered that I was obviously terrible at sharpening by hand.  Considering the number of new bandages on my finger tips, the Tormek works well.

I suffer from the condition known as Gear Acquisition Syndrome, which I'm sure many of you have experienced.  The outward manifestation of this condition is wondering how to make something that works exceedingly well even better.  To that end, will the Japanese water stone allow me to produce an edge that will perform fission on a hydrogen atom? 

I joke only slightly, but is the edge produced by the Japanese stone even more terrifyingly sharp than the what can be made by the graded stock wheel and strop?

Thank you.