I have a Frontal Vertical Base from Knifegrinders, but have lost the angle setting software for it due to a Windows OS update. I have not been able to get a response from knifegrinders after trying their support email several times. They confirm receiving my support request every time, but never respond with how to get another copy of the angle setting software. Is there any source for downloading this software? Just hoping someone here can help with this.
Doug Endrud
Prescott, AZ
I have a Frontal Vertical Base from Knifegrinders, but have lost the angle setting software for it due to a Windows OS update. I have not been able to get a response from knifegrinders after trying their support email several times. They confirm receiving my support request every time, but never respond with how to get another copy of the angle setting software. Is there any source for downloading this software? Just hoping someone here can help with this.
Doug Endrud
Prescott, AZ