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Messages - robincbailey

General Tormek Questions / Re: Females
October 01, 2010, 08:12:58 PM
If they are your scissors then have a go, but for hairdressing scissors and if you are charging then it would have to be a dedicated machine like the 'Twice As Sharp' as the blades are so small and the amount to remove is very little, and you DO need to hone and polish if they are convex.

Larger scissors no problem at all.

General Tormek Questions / Re: scissors questions
October 01, 2010, 08:07:29 PM
Use the wheel course and leave at that. The tiny serrations act like corrugations, which helps most scissors grip.

Depends on the type of scissor as well.

I never find the need to take scissors apart.
I wonder if anyone can help  :-\

I have a T7 and the drive wheel has just split clean in two.

Does anyone know where I can get a replacement in the UK, as I am REALLY stuck without this machine!!

I run a sharpening business, and for knives I use nothing else.
Well I have had one made up as a trial with a local manufacturer and it works a treat. The threaded part is not the same as the original, so they supplied a nut that does the same job, and for cleavers this is fine. The threaded bar may not be stainless steel, I am unsure.
I also asked that they make the top bar longer by 3" as I often run out of room when doing knives longer that 12".

All in all this is a vast improvement.

If anyone wants one then I can supply at £30 plus postage to wherever you are. I will only charge the exact postal charge rate, plus the £30.

Drop me an email via my web site 'Contact Us' page at I can send you a photo of the two side by side if required. I don't seem able to insert an image for some reason?

I will only be able to get some made up if I have more than 10 people interested, or 1 person wanting 10 units. When, or if that happens then I will put them for sale via my online shop and let interested parties know via email.

The T7 is stainless, so I propose that the one's I get made will be the same as the T7 in stainless with threaded bars for the micro adjustment.
Okay... I love the T7 because of the quality of build.

I have checked the support at it's lowest level with the scissor jig, and there is still a good 6" of clearance underneath for a longer support.

What I propose is, that I will approach a metal frabrication company, and ask how much it would cost to produce an EXACT repilica in stainless steel but 3" taller. Exact same tolerances as original, as I am a bit of a prefectionist!
if anyone out there wants one, please email me at and I will get a price. Obviously the more of us that club together, the cheaper the price will be. I will then put them for sale on my web site ( )for you to order and pay for via PayPal, and then I will ship one out to you wherever you are in the world.
Please put the email Subject as 'Universal tool support' and tell me how many you want.
I will then save all emails coming in, until there is enough of us to get this for a decent price and then let you all know.
I reckon you would have to add three or four inches until stability becomes an issue, but I don't need anywhere near that.
And yes, a small clip on each side would stop any stability issues, if there were any.
Thanks for the addresses above.
I am only talking about an extra 1" so wouldn't be an issue.
I would agree with the above, apart from were I live (Bath in the UK) these type of shops that can make up steel work are far and few between. In fact I do not know of anywhere that I could get this done.
If there is anyone out there in the USA that could put me in touch with a company, it would be appreciated.
I need something a bit simpler really.
I am going to see if I can remove the support base and put some washers under it.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Stone Wear
August 01, 2010, 07:55:26 PM
Yes I did, but the very small blade of hairdressing scissors does not lend itself to the scissor jig very easily, hence I have ordered a TAS.
Really, unless they are really blunt you can touch them up on the leather wheel and that normally will suffice.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Stone Wear
August 01, 2010, 10:45:57 AM
I sharpen all sorts of knives, including cheap ones, and you are right in as much that two passes on a cheap knife raises a burr as oppossed to six to ten passess each side on a Global.
Not sure what this maens though, apart from cheap knives have softer steel?
I guess I was shocked that when I bought the T7 as everyone was saying the stones would last for years, but this is just not the case if you are actually using it daily.
I think I will keep the T7 for knives only, and invest in a TAS (Twice as Sharp) for the scissors and heavier shears that might be taking too much off the stone. Shame though, as I have just had a hairdresser say that their scissors were so sharp after I did them that they cut through a clients gold chain without noticing, and then had to pay for it!
General Tormek Questions / Re: Stone Wear
July 30, 2010, 01:10:04 PM
I do not add anything to the water.
I don't leave it soaking either.
I have this problem with both the SG-250 and SB-250, although I think the blackstone is slightly better as I don't have to use so much downwards pressure.
General Tormek Questions / Re: Stone Wear
July 27, 2010, 01:26:05 PM
I only true the stone when I have planer blades to do.
Perhaps I am applying too much pressure when sharpening
Herman may have an answer in the interim using the scissor jig, but I am very surprised that Tormek have not got a Universal Support extension or a larger/taller version as there are a lot of meat cleavers out there!
What about an extension to the bit that the support sits into, so that it is higher up, something like a collet extension on a router?

By the way I am not on about the BGM-100 Bench Grinder Mounting Set. This is on the standard T7 setup.