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Topics - Brad I

Hi all,

I've been a Tormek T-3 owner for the past 14 years or so.  I have many Tormek accessories for wood turning, knife and chisel sharpening. 

I don't use the Tormek as much as my manual sharpeners due to the time required to set up jigs and whatnot.  I also have a problem where my knife bevels can end up wavy -which is very annoying.

But when I do use it, It's going for long periods.  I make specialty carving knives every now and again and rebuild knives.

I've probably gone through 3 grinding wheels in that time.  It's time for me to look at another stone.  Or I could put that money toward an upgrade to the T-8.  I am wondering if jig set up is easier and quicker on a T-8 compared to the T-3.  Also does the bigger stone prevent wavy knife edges?  Any other thoughts on what might convince me to pull the trigger on the upgrade? 

Wavy edge example attached. 
General Tormek Questions / Seeing the burr?
December 12, 2014, 10:36:58 PM
Hi all,

I am still using a T-3 and still love it.  But I notice as I age, I am having more and more trouble seeing the burr.  I've tried blasting LEDs at the stone + wearing magnifiers.  Nothing seems to help.  So unless it's a particularly sunny day I tend to sharpen by feel. But I thought I'd ask if there are any tricks out there to being able to see the burr more effectively?  ~ I am open to the idea I might be doing it wrong.  ;)
General Tormek Questions / T-3 getting loud
September 15, 2013, 04:53:23 PM
Hi all,

I've had my T-3 for maybe 5 years. Use it about once a week. Recently, it's starting to sound loud and make a bit of a rattling sound.  Was wondering if I need to oil something or do something to cut back the noise?
Hey all, over the years my dressing stone has become deeply concave in spots. Do you flatten yours or just leave it be?
I've had a T-3 for 5 years or so.  It has always done a good job. But the stone is worn down to about the same size as the leather strop wheel.

When is a new stone replacement a good idea?