Hi there,
I'm new to the forum and unfortunately not yet an owner of a tormek. I'm currently in the decision making process and arguing to myself that I need a T-8.
During my research and looking for a good offer, I found a German shop that offers a "T-8" as well as a "T-8 Original". So I called the shop (also because I didn't get their packet pricing logic) and they told me, that there was recently an update in the packaging and the T-8 is called "T-8 Original" from now on.
Does anyone have further information if the packaging is definately the only thing that has changed?
I'm not aware of different T-8 models over here, so I think the 'packaging' argument is very plausible.
Besides, changes on a machine within a series would not be Tormek-typical at all.
I found an additional difference:
The T8 "Original" includes an EM-15 Edge Marker.
At the respective shop there was a price difference of ~84€ between T8 and T8 "Original" which would make the EM-15 Edge Marker the most expensive sharpie ever ;D
Citee, welcome to the forum.
I love marketingspeak. The "original" was formerly known just as the "T8". "Custom" is a better marketing word than "stripped down". I would highly recommend that a new user choose the original. The custom is better suited for an experienced user wanting to add a second Tormek without duplicating things like the traditional grinding wheel, SE-77, or TT-50.
PS Some of us have gotten by with just a regular Sharpie.
Quote from: Citee on August 12, 2020, 04:56:56 PM
Hi there,
I'm new to the forum and unfortunately not yet an owner of a tormek. I'm currently in the decision making process and arguing to myself that I need a T-8.
During my research and looking for a good offer, I found a German shop that offers a "T-8" as well as a "T-8 Original". So I called the shop (also because I didn't get their packet pricing logic) and they told me, that there was recently an update in the packaging and the T-8 is called "T-8 Original" from now on.
Does anyone have further information if the packaging is definately the only thing that has changed?
Are you looking at one of the kits? 'Cause I wonder if it has to do with this...
QuoteNew from Tormek: HTK-806 Hand Tool Kit, TNT-808 Wood Turner's Kit, Composite Honing Wheel for T8, T-7 and S2000, Storage Solutions and the new SVD-186R. All of our T-8 and T-4 packages now include the NEW kits. Some are still available with the TNT-708 at a lower cost.
https://advanced-machinery.myshopify.com/pages/tormek-home(I crossed out the part that doesn't apply).
@Ken S: Thank you for the additional info. In my case, both "versions" of the T8 from that seller come with the same accessories (TT-50, SE-77) and the SG-250 grinding wheel. The only difference is the marker and maybe a different packaging.
Here are the links to the products (if not allowed in the forum, pls delete):
T8: https://www.siltec-technik.de/de/holz-metall/tormek-nassschleifsystem/tormek-nassschleifmaschinen/tormek-t8-nassschleifmaschine-nass-schaerfsystem-fuer-schneidwerkzeuge (https://www.siltec-technik.de/de/holz-metall/tormek-nassschleifsystem/tormek-nassschleifmaschinen/tormek-t8-nassschleifmaschine-nass-schaerfsystem-fuer-schneidwerkzeuge)
T8"Original" : https://www.siltec-technik.de/de/detail/index/sArticle/19300 (https://www.siltec-technik.de/de/detail/index/sArticle/19300)
I dont know why the URLs differ that much ???
I think this is the "packaging" difference..
... maybe combined with a price increase?
(If so, the choice is obvious IMO)... ???
I would gladly pay a couple euros more for a T8 which included a marker labelled "Tormek". However, the price spread between the two packages seems excessive, even for a Tormek junkie like me. I would want to investigate the differences between the two.
Life was simpler when all T8s were just T8s.
Good luck and please continue to keep us posted.
What I see is the first T-8 had the old style TT-50 and no marker and the second T-8 has the new style TT-50 and the sharpie/marker.
The new style TT-50 has been offered long enough that there should be no unsold kits with the older model. Purchasing new, I would insist on the new model.
Quote from: GeoBoy on August 13, 2020, 02:42:17 AM
What I see is the first T-8 had the old style TT-50 and no marker and the second T-8 has the new style TT-50 and the sharpie/marker.
Would better explain the price difference... 👍
Both the old style and the new style have a list price of $93US.
Quote from: Ken S on August 13, 2020, 03:47:20 AM
Both the old style and the new style have a list price of $93US.
I was thinking "older" model gets a discount?
One might think so....... :)