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Tormek Model 1000? Fake, old, or other?

Started by mgaved, January 06, 2010, 10:01:04 PM

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Hi all

I've seen somebody advertising a "Tormek 1000" (with photo showing the device and Tormek manuals, looks genuine). It looks a bit like a Tormek 1200, but with green chassis (looks metal). the advert notes it needs to be powered from a drill and doesn't have its own motor. Can anybody enlighten me on what this might be? Fake or old model? I heard that tormek used to make grinders powered by electric drills when they started.


Jeff Farris

Tormek did make a model that was powered by a hand drill.  I am not aware of the product code, but 1000 is logical. 
Jeff Farris


cheers for the speedy response Jeff!

intriguing indeed. Musing whether I take a look at it. Maybe get one of my cycle hacking friends to turn into a bicycle powered eco-Tormek :-)