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cloudy water with anti corrosion liquid

Started by Drew M, December 01, 2023, 08:57:26 PM

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Drew M

So I got my diamond stone, new stainless drive shaft.  I mixed up my first batch of water + anti corrosion liquid and got some seriously cloudy water. 

I have extremely had water where I live.  So I have a couple questions that I could not find an answer to.

Should I be filtering the complete ACC treated water to remove this cloudy substance that is almost certainly calcium precipitate?

Would a filtered/bottled water or distilled water be a better choice considering my hard water?

I posted this to a wood turning group on face book so forgive the link.  I was not wanting to do a bunch of double work putting the photo in multiple locations just to post.

Ken S


I look at any of the Tormek grinding wheels as investments. I do not think they are overpriced; however, they are expensive enough to be worth the effort and expense of using carefully. You are off to a good start by not skimping and using ACC. I would suggest taking things to the next level and switching from your very hard water to very clean distilled water.

Popular Science magazine had a wonderful monthly story when I was a boy sixty years ago. Gus was the wise hero mechanic of The Model Garage. Gus used to say that you can't tune an engine with dirty oil. I feel the same way about the water in the water trough of my Tormek. When in doubt, go for the gold with your Tormek!


Drew M

Thanks.  I have found only one other reference to this kind of thing.  It was with Honerite gold and the individual has the same issue I do, some kind of white precipitate with tap water. 

As a test, I used some regular bottled water from my local supermarket, no white precipitate.  I am kind of surprised that no one has seen this or that Tormek does not have some information about this on their website.  I can't possibly be the only one who has seen this with the ACC-150.

Anyways, bottled water from here forward.


Additionally, well water like we have has a very high iron content so there will be more accumulation of iron in the water and on the grinding wheel. 
Rich Colvin - a reference guide for sharpening

You are born weak & frail, and you die weak & frail.  What you do between those is up to you.