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Sharping the tip of a long knife on the T4 with a perfect phase

Started by Roland.Konrad, September 22, 2017, 01:28:46 PM

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Voting closed: September 29, 2017, 01:28:46 PM


Hello, I need a hint, as I with a longer knife the perfect phase of the tip of the knife on the T4 against the direction of rotation. Great would be a German explanation, since my English is not so perfect.
Thank you


Tut mir leid, ich weiß kein Deutsch.

Können Sie Google Translate verwenden, um das Problem zu beschreiben, das Sie haben, ins Englische?

Hier ist meine Vermutung des Problems ...
(Siehe beigefügtes Foto)

(Translation courtesy of Google Translate... I do not know German!)
Knife Sharpening Angle Calculator:
Calcapp Calculator-works on any platform.
(or Click HERE to see other calculators available)

Ken S

Lieber Tormek,

Wir brauchen ein Messervideo auf Deutsch!

I hope Rolf or one of the other German speakers on the forum will post a translation of this for me. My German class was in 1971. Danke in advance.

Several years ago, we had requests for the handbook and DBS-22 manual in Dutch and Russian. My solution for this is that the handbook, etc. should be translated into every language where there is a Tormek agent. Every Tormek agent should have at least one knowledgeable employee and one secretary. I do not think it unreasonable to expect the agent to translate the handbook into the language(s) of the area he serves. This could be a PDF or a Worddoc. I would not expect this to be completed overnight, but it should be accomplished in a reasonable time period. Once this is completed, future requests would just be copy paste.

For today's customers, Tormek now has a studio and teaching area. A well done in depth knife video would not involve much time or expense. It could be done with a digital camera, ipad or even a phone. Removing the sound in the original language, presumably Swedish, and overdubbing it with any one of several languages should be quick and easy. When someone like our own Wolfy, the Israeli agent, was visiting the  factory, he could record the sound in Hebrew, or whatever language he and hus customers spoke. Tormek sales, which happen in many currencies should rise.

Just a suggestion............



Roland, the easiest way to sharpen tip of a long knife is to clamp the jig closer to the tip, not in the middle, and do NOT rotate, just lift the handle.
Similar to picture 2 in the Curtis' comment.
Try clamping at 1/3 from the tip.


Quote from: Ken S on September 22, 2017, 08:22:47 PM
Lieber Tormek,

Wir brauchen ein Messervideo auf Deutsch!

I hope Rolf or one of the other German speakers on the forum will post a translation of this for me. My German class was in 1971. Danke in advance.

Several years ago, we had requests for the handbook and DBS-22 manual in Dutch and Russian. My solution for this is that the handbook, etc. should be translated into every language where there is a Tormek agent. Every Tormek agent should have at least one knowledgeable employee and one secretary. I do not think it unreasonable to expect the agent to translate the handbook into the language(s) of the area he serves. This could be a PDF or a Worddoc. I would not expect this to be completed overnight, but it should be accomplished in a reasonable time period. Once this is completed, future requests would just be copy paste.

For today's customers, Tormek now has a studio and teaching area. A well done in depth knife video would not involve much time or expense. It could be done with a digital camera, ipad or even a phone. Removing the sound in the original language, presumably Swedish, and overdubbing it with any one of several languages should be quick and easy. When someone like our own Wolfy, the Israeli agent, was visiting the  factory, he could record the sound in Hebrew, or whatever language he and hus customers spoke. Tormek sales, which happen in many currencies should rise.

Just a suggestion............


Translation /Übersetzung:
Einige Jahre zurück gab es Anfragen wegen Handbuch und DBS-22 Maqnual in Holländisch und Russisch. Meine Lösung wäre, dass das Handbuch in jede Sprache übersetzt wird, in deren Bereich ein Tormek-Agent sitzt. Jeder dieser Agenten sollte zumindestens einen kenntnisreichen Mitarbeiter und eine(n) Sekretär(in) haben. Ich denke nicht, dass es unangemessen wäre zu erwarten, dass der Agent das Handbuch in die Sprache(n) übersetzt, die in seinem Vertriebsgebiet verbreitet sind. Das könnte als PDF- oder Word-Dokument erstellt werden. Man kann nicht erwarten, dass das über Nacht geschieht, aber in einer vernünftigen Zeitspanne. Wenn das geschehen ist, wären weitere Anfagen nur ein Kopierjob.

Für aktuelle Kunden hat Tormek ein Studio und einer Lernarea. Ein gutes, umfassendes Messervideo würde nicht viel Aufwand und Kosten verursachen.. Man könnte es mittels Digitalkamera, iPad oder einem Telephon erstellen. Wenn man den Ton der Originalsprache, wahrscheinlich Schwedisch, entfernt und mit einer anderen Sprache überschreibt sollte das leicht zu machen sein. Als jemand wie unser eigener Wolfy, der Agent in Israel, die Firma besuchte, konnte er den Ton in Hebräisch aufzeichnen oder auch in jeder anderen Sprache, die seine Kunden sprechen. Der Tormek-Verkauf, die in vielen Devisen erfolgt, sollte steigen.

Nur ein Vorschlag....

Hoffe das hilft / Hope that helps!

German with a second home in the American Southwestern Desert - loves Old England too.

Ken S