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To Tormek, a Suggestion.

Started by SharpenADullWitt, June 03, 2016, 08:22:49 AM

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I received an email from Tormek on June 1st.  This is how it appears, because preferences are for text emails, not html.  There are no working links because of no html.  There are no cut and paste links for one to use.  You should consider either setting up an email that will work better, or send a different email to those with text emails preferences.
New model: Tormek T-8

If you are having trouble viewing this email, view it online.   

         The next generation is here.   

         New model: Tormek T-8 Ultimate precision with solid cast frame

Get top results with a real sharpening system! With an updated
design and several upgraded details, the T-8 gives you the best
conditions possible for a successful sharpening. Learn more >>   



Tormek AB | Sweden 
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


Got a mail from Tormek on June 2nd including pictures and some links working as expected.

German with a second home in the American Southwestern Desert - loves Old England too.