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T8 first glimpse

Started by Ken S, May 10, 2016, 04:57:47 PM

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Ken S

I had the opportunity of a sneak peek at the new T8 when Stig came to Ohio to show me the SE-77. My first question for Stig was, "When may I share this information with the forum?"

Stig replied, "May twelve." Then May twelve became May ten.

When the upcoming T8 was first leaked to the forum, several members asked if the T8 was indeed a new model or just a few minor changes. Good question. The T8 differs more substantially from the T7 than the T7 differed from the T2000. For the first time, several of the changes are not backward compatible.

The most obvious change is the new mostly zinc housing. Unlike the zinc machined top of the T4, the zinc part of the T8 covers most of the housing. The zinc side facing the grinding wheel incorporates improved water drainage.

The machined zinc sleeves for the universal support are actually oblong, which allows the universal support to slide more easily and improves tightening. (The universal support itself is the same as on the T7, except for the weld.)

The new water trough is a major redesign. Once in place, it can be raised or lowered. The old square corners have become rounded and are much easier to clean. The magnet is built into a removable cleaning scoop. The new water trough is not compatible with older Tormek models, but is very impressive. I am certain it will be featured in an upcoming video from Tormek.

The drive wheel has been redesigned. The new drive wheel side is made of zinc instead of plastic. No more cracked drive wheels. It will fit any earlier ten inch (250mm) Tormek model as a direct replacement.

The cord has been repositioned to the side for easier use of the rotating base.

A small tube of very high quality oil is included to oil the leather honing wheel. No more over or under oiling! A simple but nice touch; one less difficulty for new users.

The weld on the universal support has been changed. I don't know if it actually improves anything, however, it does look neater.

The basic T8 includes the TT-50 truing tool, stone grader, the new SE-77 square edge jig, DVD, handbook, and leather honing wheel oil. The price is $699 US. That is only $35 more than the regular price of the T7 and only $100 more than the T7 close out price. I do not foresee many of us trading our faithful Supergrinds or T7s. For anyone looking to purchase a Tormek, in my opinion, the T8 is the hands down choice.

I will post more after I have received my test sample. Well done, Tormek.



T8 on YouTube at Tormek chanel

Ken S

Good referral. It is actually the same short video shown in the tormek website (



"Housing: Zinc cast top and frame. Sides in ABS plastic."

   I realize that the T3  was made from ABS plastic and the T4 is as well with the addition of the zinc top. However, I was surprised to see it show  up on the large unit (T8).  Yes, I am sure it will last untill the cows come home.  ;) It still came as a surprise. :)

Herman Trivilino

I can't see myself buying one, but it sure is tempting!

I can't say for sure that alignment of the Universal Support (the rod that's the part of the Universal Support that you rest your tools on must be parallel to the axis of the grindstone or you'll never get your chisel ends square) is a documented problem. But I've seen evidence that it may be, and it appears the T-8's design is addressing that issue if indeed one can call it an issue.

It appears that the new T-8 design, along with the new SE-77 Square Edge Jig, will finally deliver on the Tormek promise of a guaranteed square end!
Origin: Big Bang

Herman Trivilino

Quote from: Ken S on May 10, 2016, 04:57:47 PM
The machined zinc sleeves for the universal support are actually oblong, which allows the universal support to slide more easily and improves tightening.

So is it rather like the Torlock feature we see on the Tormek jigs?
Origin: Big Bang


I wonder who will the smug person that makes the first post that he/she has purchased one!

Ken S

Elden, if the housing lasts"until the cows come home", that's probably long enough. :) It looked pretty rugged to me.

Herman, I think you are correct about the sleeve alignment. No chance of going out of alignment since the sleeves are an integral part of the top and shaft bushing blocks.

The Torlock comparison seems logical, especially since it is a Tormek patent!

I don't expect to see the second hand market flooded with forum Supergrinds. However, I believe that those members who, in a moment of temporary insanity or too many pints take the plunge will not be disappointed. And, if the Supergrinds become backups for using a second stone, I can see a lot of them sporting EZYlock shafts as people get used to the T8.

Robin, the invader is already at the walls. Steve, who is a Tormek dealer, was alloted two T8s in the first allotment. He has already sold both. No more T7s are being shipped from Sweden. At this point, the T7 is " new old stock". It and the Supergrind are as fine machnes as ever, butthe T8 makes fine finer. We already have a member who hasposted that he ordered a T8. I hope his wait is not too long. Long before the cows begin to think about coming he will be enjoying his new Tormek.



Quote from: Elden on May 11, 2016, 04:25:32 AM
"Housing: Zinc cast top and frame. Sides in ABS plastic."

   I realize that the T3  was made from ABS plastic and the T4 is as well with the addition of the zinc top. However, I was surprised to see it show  up on the large unit (T8).  Yes, I am sure it will last untill the cows come home.  ;) It still came as a surprise. :)

I am also impressed by the fully cast zinc housing of T8. Congrats, Tormek.   :)

I thought about the thickness of the T8 zinc housing. The machine weight of T8 is 14.8 kg which is only slightly more than T7 with 14.2 kg. This weight increase may be attributed the heavier honing wheel and possibly also to the advanced water trough lift mechanism.

If we assume that the surface of the metal housing is the same for both models and when we know that the steel thickness of T7 housing is 3 mm, then the cast zinc housing of T8 should be circa 10% thicker than the steel one of the T7. This is because the density of zinc is about 10% less than the steel density.


Ken S

Interesting thoughts, Jan.



From the design point of view the T8 is big step forward. Without any belittling, the previous models now look like assembled from Lego bricks.  :)

I am wondering how well the heat generated by the T8 motor is dissipated, when now the machine has ABS plastic side walls. It is clearly visible that side wall by the honing wheel is densely perforated, but the opposite side is almost closed. Ken mentioned better heat radiation from a the T8 zinc top surface than from the steel housing of the T7, which is generally true, but we have to hope it will be sufficient.

I firmly believe that the TORMEK developers payed due attention to it, especially after the "overheated" topic discussed here in the last year.  ;)



Jan, I expect when the repair parts get updated, and the older stock is about out (if they don't provide before), the repair diagrams may show how the motor is surrounded in the new T8, to better dissipate heat. (housing still contains motor I expect)
Also expect they might have adjusted their printing to correct the motor information, you expressed concern about.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)


SADW, in my understanding housing does not contain the motor. Housing is shown as item 2 in the sketch below.

I do not expect any significant change in the way how the motor is attached to the T8 housing and because the side walls definitively restrict the air circulation the only possibility how to compensate for it is enhanced heat radiation through the zinc surface of the T8.



We used two T-8's outside yesterday in the sun at a charity yesterday. We sharpened knifes constantly for 4.5 hours in the warm sun and the machines performed just as they should, no problems and a joy to use!
The housing has a rib system underneath and at the side of the honing-wheel. The fan of the motor sucks in fresh air and blow it out, all carefully designed so to keep the temperature at the right level.


Ken S

Great idea, Jan.  I can hardly wait for the Lego Tormek Series!
