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Started by Wayazo, July 20, 2015, 09:41:09 PM

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I just took delivery on a Tormek T4 and some knife jigs.  In the box was a DVD with a bunch of demonstration videos.  I do not have a DVD player.  I am wondering if these videos are available online anywhere for download?  Can you recommend others that can be downloaded a viewed later rather than only when I have an internet connection.  Thanks in advance.



Did you tried on your computer?

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Bill.

Jeff Farris, who founded this forum, did several good videos a number of years ago. They were originally posted on (They are still there, although a google of "tormek videos" should bring them up as well as the turning tool sharpening videos Jeff did.) Although these videos were made with an older version of the T7, your T4 works the same.

If you click on any of the jigs and accossories on (same website as the forum) most of them have connected short videos. As I recall, these are all on the DVD.

I'm not enough of a computer person to know if you could download these to a flash drive.

Good luck and do keep us posted.


ps I'm the guy on the forum who is known as the T4 fan. I use both the T4 and T7. I like them both, and like the T4 more whenever I have to move it!


Ken S

Very useful reply, Grepper. (I would expect nothing less from you.)

I would recommend the videos by Jeff Farris, Alan Holtham, and the interview with Stig and Stumpy Nubs. I do not recommend the T4 you tube by Workshopaddict. It has too much misinformation and indicates only a cursory familiarity with the Tormek. In an attempt to be fair, I rewatched it just now. It did not improve with age.
