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Somewhat off topic - a novel thought on a new jig - ice skates

Started by lobstah, April 06, 2015, 10:54:13 PM

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Just curious if anyone has ever thought about using the tormek to sharpen ice skates.   Using something such as for the wheels, it could open a whole new use for the sharpening system if the appropriate jig were developed. 

Not sure if anyone at Tormek reads these forums, but I've often wondered if this could be another use for the machine.

Curious to anyone else's thoughts


Welcome to the forum Tim.

   Since skates are hollow ground to a small radius, a thin wheel would be required such as you posted a link to. This grinding wheel grinds into the blade while being inline with the length of the blade. Tormek does not recommend the use of other wheels than the ones they offer as far as I know. A thinner wheel could be mounted through the use of spacers. Then as you stated, a grinding jig would have to made. The field to make one is wide open to you. If it interests you go with it!

What I have seen in the past is similar to what the following link shows.

   The grinding wheel is horizontally orientated, the slate blade also is clamped horizontally in a fixture that slides on a precision ground table.


On a quick search, there are some vertical machines including a quickstarter campaign, to make a home unit one could put their boots in and do real quick.  With the Tormek, trying to come up with a jig to hold the boot in place would be a pita.  I would think if someone were going to try to do a skate, with its low angle, they would be better off to try to do it by hand, maybe with Herm's jig.

Then if one gets good, they need to put the my Hockey mom can beat up your Soccer mom sticker on the family Zamboni.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)

Ken S

Welcome to the forum, Tim.

These are the kinds of questions where I am very glad we have members like Elden with his Foley background.

Your question is one of those I would put in the "possible, but practical?" category. I often think we would be better off just going with the machine originally designed for the task. However, we might have said the same thing about sharpening drill bits or flat sharpening moulding cutters several years ago.

I count myself among those who tinker with the Tormek to expand its potential. You are one of the same group. Good luck with your ideas.



Thanks all for the replies!  I guess I'm always trying to think of new ways to use this amazing machine.   I take my skates to get sharpened and think, "why shouldn't the T7 be able to do that?!".  The biggest issue I see is the fact we are taking a vertical axis spinning disc and trying to grind out a hollow, with a need for very solid precision... that may make things very difficult.  The Dupliskate ( uses this orientation, but the spinning wheel is what moves, not the skate.  The skate would have to move in order to use the Tormek.  I can't see a simple way to ensure proper alignment... 

If only I had a metal fabrication/machinists setup/CNC to tinker with, I'd see if I could make a viable jig prototype! ;)


its Bob The Knife Grinder.
I thought about ice skates too. There are machines out there that are made for the purpose.
However, it is not that straight forward. I looked into it and gave up the idea after my research.
Depending on your position within the ice hockey team, figure skating, general skating etc. will depend on the angle you need to sharpen/grind at.
Hockey teams alone have soooo many requirements depending on their playing position, be it a fast glide, a quick stop and even their own specific requirements ( and they all know them ). Apart from the general weekend ice rink skater, they are all Divas and are on par with the hair dressing brigade.
Fantastic idea, but some are best left alone.
Keep thinking and trying, keep posting any ideas.
We all love to see them and it only takes 1 good idea to be a winner mate.