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Lost password; login woes

Started by Elden, March 01, 2015, 03:55:19 AM

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A person should have a record of passwords, I suppose, regardless of what is said.

When my computer died, the automatic login for my the Tormek Community was lost as a result. I did not remember the password nor have it written down. I tried the password recovery but it would not function as I never received the necessary reply code from the forum. This was tried multiple times with the same result each time. I made sure to check the junk and trash boxes but nothing was ever there.

After emailing Tormek corporate I received an email back about it being looked into. I didn't receive any more in regard to it even after posting another email to them. I am NOT putting corporate Tormek down, I know they are busy.

I saw no way of contacting forum administration when you can't login.

Multiple times of trying to guess what my password was made with no success. Next I tried creating a new account. No success, once again no verification code would show up. I had this problem when my original account was set up. At that time I was able to contact Sharp Tools US and Jeff had someone (I suppose the administrator) override things so I could get in. So I tried contacting them again and was told someone would get back with me. It didn't happen. Once again I realize they were busy.

Several months passed during these attempts. Finally I decided to try to guess the password again persistently. That time I got it!! Thence the reason why you are having to put up with me again.

My question is, what can be done so that one can get in touch for help in case this would happen to them?


I wondered what had happened to you for all those months. There is another fellow, Mike40, who disappeared also. I got up the nerve to IM him and found him to be hail and hearty, just on hiatus. I hesitate to contact "missing people" fearing the worst. Welcome back. May I suggest to you a password retention program such as "RoboForm" a program that I use or another highly recommended one "Dashlane" the latter may be two words. RoboForm is basically an automatic password filler that can itself be secured through the use of a master password that you would have to memorize. In its least secure mode it is very handy and I use it.
You can use less of more but you cannot make more of less.


I've read recommendations to have an envelope with ones passwords on it in case one passes (so family can manage online presence/digital estate).  Several countered that it should be a txt file, on an encrypted drive with a password that the next of kin knows (in case stolen).
The common thing that I see on those discussions, is someone keeps a list of passwords, in an encrypted form, so they can access everything, just in case, and they tend to keep it in a webmail based account, so it is accessible from anywhere, but must be decrypted to use.
Favorite line, from a post here:
Quote from: Rob on February 24, 2013, 06:11:44 PM

Yeah you know Tormek have reached sharpening nirvana when you get a prosthetic hand as part of the standard package :/)