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LA-100 leather honing wheel

Started by klikko_simen, June 16, 2014, 10:28:31 PM

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I'm wondering what RPM is max for the honing wheel?
Can I use it on a high speed grinder at aprox. 3000rpm?



I don't know the "factory" answer to that but just intuitively, wouldn't it throw the paste off (centrifugal effect) at that speed?
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

I doubt it would be safe, either.  Plastic wheel wrapped in leather.  You might be turning it into a weapon!

What purpose would it serve?
Origin: Big Bang

Ken S

Stropping has traditionally been done by hand. It doesn't remove much material. My thought on using the leather wheel at 3000 would be: Yes, it is possible, but just because it can be done doesn't make it functional.

I'll continue to poke along at 90 rpm.



I don't think 3000 rpm would be beneficial.  Probably it would generate too much heat.  I'd be surprised if the adhesive between the leather and the wheel would cope with it.     Have you, by any chance, been looking at polishing mops and the results they give,  and thinking that the leather wheel might do similar if you cranked the rpm up?  ;)