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Newbie with rotational problem

Started by Farmer Giles, March 03, 2014, 08:20:34 PM

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Farmer Giles

Hi everybody
I've had a Tormek Supergrind 2000 for a few years now, I've used it occasionally but recently I have been using it more frequently, mainly due to buying the drill jig and I've also got a few more woodworking projects on the go.

I'm not sure when it started, but I have to give the wheel a nudge before it will go, otherwise it sits and buzzes. I'm guessing it is the start capacitor being single phase however I haven't investigated it yet, I thought I would ask on here first to see if anyone else has had a similar problem.

If my diagnosis is right, I'm guessing this should be an easy fix, I replaced the start capacitor on my 3HP compressor recently so this should be simple?


Herman Trivilino

Here's a thread on the starter capacitor,

but I would try a couple of other things first.

Apply some sandpaper to the surface of the drive wheel as it's spinning.  This will roughen the surface so it grabs the drive shaft better.  Lubricate the nylon bearings on each end of the drive shaft.

Of course, if it's the motor itself that's not spinning when you flip the switch, then my suggestions won't help.
Origin: Big Bang

Farmer Giles

Thanks Herman

It's definitely the capacitor. I have updated the thread with how to get to it, the size, connectors, electrical values etc.
