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The TT-50 Truing and Dressing Tool

Started by jimmyhil, June 30, 2013, 12:41:00 PM

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Because I was nervous about using the above tool for the first time, I had to decrease the size of my expensive  Blackstone silicon wheel by 5mm.  When using this tool on your Tormek you need to remember the carpenters principle ,"Measure twice cut once".  I thought everything was in place and ready to go so I started to true the stone, only to find the diamond cutter was digging deeper into the stone.  The fork on the tool had slipped away from the universal support. I forgot to tighten the tool to the universal support, allowing the tool to drop further onto the stone.  I have definitely learnt a lesson with this experience.  That is to calm down and approach the job methodically.   I am posting this experience as a warning to others and to remind myself.  Enjoy your day


An expensive "training course" eh?

The upside is that you'll never make that mistake again and I bet you have a beautifully square wheel.  Good advice though so thanks for that

Best.    Rob.

Mike Fairleigh

Ouch!  But thank you for posting the experience.

"If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 7 sharpening my axe."  --Abraham Lincoln