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hand plane irons

Started by mike40, June 20, 2013, 05:46:54 PM

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Is there a jig for the Tormek T7 that caters to cambered hand plane irons or do they just have to be sharpened freehand?


you don't need a jig....use the regular square edge jig and when you get to the end of the pass and half the iron is off the edge of the stone....grind a little extra here.  Then do the same at the opposite side.  Also press a little harder with your fingers when at either of the edges.

This will produce a symmetrical camber allowing you to surface plane or cross grain plane without corner dig in.
Best.    Rob.

Mike Fairleigh

For a normal camber, I agree with Rob.  You can actually affect the edge geometry quite a bit just by paying attention to where you apply pressure.

For a radical camber such as a scrub plane, you can make one yourself like this:


"If I had 8 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend 7 sharpening my axe."  --Abraham Lincoln


Nice Mike......just the letters LN get me all gooey inside :-)
Best.    Rob.


Thanks Rob and Mike. Looks like a great result Mike, and the jig looks good too for more radical camber.