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Started by Herman Trivilino, March 02, 2013, 12:34:02 AM

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Wow it worked and some!  Wasn't expecting it to be as big as that!
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

Try resizing it with Paint or some other program.  I usually use Paing cuz I'm cheap and it makes it easy to trim the unwanted stuff from the edges and insert text.
Origin: Big Bang


I have paint loaded in my taskbar again now Herman...Id forgotten how dam useful it is :-)
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

If you have Windows 7 there's a major upgrade to Paint.
Origin: Big Bang


I do have windows is the paint that comes out the box the upgrade or have you to download it?
Best.    Rob.

Herman Trivilino

The version of Paint that comes with Windows 7 out of the box is a major upgrade to previous versions of Paint.  There are some after-market improvements available but I've never had much use for them.  Too steep of a learning curve, I guess.
Origin: Big Bang


Found this cool little app.  It's free.  It's simple, I tried it, and it works.

It resizes images.  You can do batches of images.  So, for example, you can point it at a folder full of images and make them all be 640 horizontally.  It will then automatically make them the necessary size in height to maintain aspect ratio.  (Or not, if you choose to have funny looking squashed or elongated pics!)

You can for example make all of your images one size for consistency when posting.

NOTE: Be sure to select an output folder different from the ones that your originals are stored it, or it could overwrite the originals.
You have have it give all of the resized images a different name.

While you get to know it, make copies of your originals, put them in a folder and then resize those.  Once you get it set up, it's pretty slick.

You have to sort of poke around in the advanced options to allow you to set just one dimension  and have it automatically set the other, but it can do that.


Ill have a play with that because Im already fnding it a drag to resize individual pics every time...batch is the way to go
Best.    Rob.


Brilliant Herman...thats really useful for batch conversion
Best.    Rob.